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Created September 5, 2012 15:31
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Patch tool ant targets
<target name="patching-init">
<property name="patching-tool.dir" value="${build.path}/patching-tool"/>
<property name="patches.dir" value="${patching-tool.dir}/patches"/>
<delete dir="${patching-tool.dir}"/>
<mkdir dir="${patches.dir}"/>
<unzip src="${bundles.dir}/" dest="${build.path}"/>
<copy todir="${patches.dir}">
<fileset dir="${bundles.dir}/patches" includes="*"/>
<exec dir="${patching-tool.dir}" executable="chmod">
<arg line="+x"/>
<!-- Copy the into place to configure the tool -->
<copy file="${root.project.path}/"
<filterset begintoken="%" endtoken="%">
<filter token="app.server.dir" value="${app.server.dir}"/>
<path id="groovy.classpath">
<fileset dir="${build.path}" includes="**/groovy.jar,**/asm.jar,**/antlr2.jar"/>
<taskdef name="groovy"
<target name="detect-patch-conflicts" depends="patching-init">
<groovy src="detect-patch-conflicts.groovy"/>
<fail if="detected.patch.conflict"
message="A patch conflict was detected."/>
<target name="deploy-patches" depends="detect-patch-conflicts"
description="Deploy patches and hot fixes provided by Liferay Support">
<!-- Just for info purposes to document which patches are in place -->
<exec dir="${patching-tool.dir}" executable="./">
<arg line="patching_profile info"/>
<!-- Install the patches -->
<exec dir="${patching-tool.dir}" executable="./">
<arg line="patching_profile install"/>
<target name="revert-patches" depends="patching-init">
<!-- Just for info purposes to document which patches are in place -->
<exec dir="${patching-tool.dir}" executable="./">
<arg line="patching_profile info"/>
<!-- Install the patches -->
<exec dir="${patching-tool.dir}" executable="./">
<arg line="patching_profile revert"/>
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