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using System.Text;
namespace StringEscape
public static class StringEscape
public static string Escape(string input)
var sb = new StringBuilder();
nshibano / IReadOnlyListExtensions.fs
Last active July 18, 2017 09:22
IReadOnlyList extensions
open System
open System.Collections.Generic
module Extensions =
type IReadOnlyList<'T> with
static member Append(a : IReadOnlyList<'T>, b : IReadOnlyList<'T>) =
{ new IReadOnlyList<'T> with
member this.Count = a.Count + b.Count
member this.Item with get i = if i < a.Count then a.[i] else b.[i - a.Count]
nshibano / CountLeadingZeros.fs
Last active July 17, 2017 09:58
Count leading zeros of uint32 in F#
let inline leading_zeros_of_ls4b_of_uint32 x =
match x with
| 0b0000u -> 4
| 0b0001u -> 3
| 0b0010u -> 2
| 0b0011u -> 2
| 0b0100u -> 1
| 0b0101u -> 1
| 0b0110u -> 1
| 0b0111u -> 1
nshibano / MeasuredTreeList.cs
Last active June 28, 2017 19:37
Immutable tree list implemented in C#. This is join operation based AVL tree. So that it supports fast bulk operations such as GetRange, AddRange, PushRange, RemoveRange, InsertRange and Concat. Plus, it has 'measure' field in nodes to store user-defined, bottom-up updated sub-tree property such as min, max, count, sum or stddev, or tuple of them.
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