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Last active March 10, 2020 10:32
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Drupal Commerce - Price without the decimal
* Implementation hook_commerce_currency_info_alter()
function MODULE_commerce_currency_info_alter(&$currencies, $langcode) {
$currencies['RUB']['format_callback'] = 'MODULE_commerce_currency_format';
function MODULE_commerce_currency_format($amount, $currency, $object = NULL, $convert = TRUE) {
// Format the price as a number, use 0 for no decimal places in output
$price = number_format(commerce_currency_round(abs($amount), $currency), 0, $currency['decimal_separator'], $currency['thousands_separator']);
// Establish the replacement values to format this price for its currency.
$replacements = array(
'@code_before' => $currency['code_placement'] == 'before' ? $currency['code'] : '',
'@symbol_before' => $currency['symbol_placement'] == 'before' ? $currency['symbol'] : '',
'@price' => $price,
'@symbol_after' => $currency['symbol_placement'] == 'after' ? $currency['symbol'] : '',
'@code_after' => $currency['code_placement'] == 'after' ? $currency['code'] : '',
'@negative' => $amount < 0 ? '-' : '',
'@symbol_spacer' => $currency['symbol_spacer'],
'@code_spacer' => $currency['code_spacer'],
return trim(t('@code_before@code_spacer@negative@symbol_before@price@symbol_spacer@symbol_after@code_spacer@code_after', $replacements));
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