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Created July 19, 2017 21:13
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#!/usr/bin/env python
# Author: Nick Skitch
# For Tagging Compliance.
prog_desc = "Evaluation of AWS EC2 instances for tag compliance. If dryrun false, will add non_compliant_tag key tag with value \
of missing required tags. WIP."
import boto3
import json
import argparse
import time
## ----------------------------------------------------
## Configuration variables (defaults)
required_fields = ["Name", "App", "AppOwner", "Environment"]
non_compliant_tag_name = "NON_COMPLIANT_TAGGING"
aws_profile_default = ""
aws_region_default = "us-west-2"
## ----------------------------------------------------
dryrun = True
aws_profile = ""
aws_region = ""
def main():
def evaluate_compliance(aws_profile,aws_region,dryrun):
ec2 = boto3.resource('ec2', region_name=aws_region)
ec2_client = boto3.client('ec2',region_name=aws_region)
my_session = boto3.session.Session()
print("region chosen: {0}".format(aws_region))
print("account: " + boto3.client('sts').get_caller_identity()['Account'])
no_tags_count = 0
untagged_instances = []
# iterate over ALL EC2 instances
for instance in ec2.instances.all():
# keep track of which tags were found.
# reset all required fields found to False
required_fields_found = {}
for required_field in required_fields:
required_fields_found[required_field] = False
non_compliant_message = ""
non_compliant_tag_name_exists = False
non_compliant_tag_name_value = ""
# Some instances don't have any tags..
tags = {}
if instance.tags is None:
if dryrun == False:
# if there are no tags present, write the non_compliant_tag_name tag
ec2.create_tags(Resources=[], Tags=[{'Key':non_compliant_tag_name, 'Value':'missing ALL required tags'},])
no_tags_count += 1
print "tagged as out of compliance: " +
# Determine if required_tags are found
tags = instance.tags
for tag in instance.tags:
for req_key, req_value in required_fields_found.items():
if tag['Key'].lower() == req_key.lower():
required_fields_found[req_key] = True
# Check if non_compliant_tag already exists
if tag['Key'] == non_compliant_tag_name:
non_compliant_tag_name_exists = True
non_compliant_tag_name_value = tag['Value']
# build non_compliant_message tag value
print "checking instance:{0} for tag compliance...".format(
non_compliant = False
non_compliant_message = "Missing "
for key, value in required_fields_found.items():
if value == False:
non_compliant = True
non_compliant_message = non_compliant_message + key + ", "
non_compliant_message = non_compliant_message + "tag(s)"
# if required tags are missing, create non_compliant_tagging tag
if non_compliant == True:
if dryrun == False:
# only write the tag if it doesn't already exist
if not non_compliant_message == non_compliant_tag_name_value:
print "Created tag for instance: " + + " key " + non_compliant_tag_name + " value: " + non_compliant_message
ec2.create_tags(Resources=[], Tags=[{'Key':non_compliant_tag_name, 'Value':non_compliant_message}])
except Exception as e:
print e
print "DryRun: Would have created tag for instance: " + + " key " + non_compliant_tag_name + " value: " + non_compliant_message
# If non_compliant_tag exists, but is now in compliance: remove non_compliant_tag
if non_compliant == False and non_compliant_tag_name_exists == True:
if dryrun == False:
print + " has all required tags. Removing " + non_compliant_tag_name
ec2_client.delete_tags(Resources=[], Tags=[{"Key": non_compliant_tag_name}])
except Exception as e:
print e
print "DryRun: Would have removed " + non_compliant_tag_name + " tag for instance: " +
def validate_script_inputs():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=prog_desc)
parser.add_argument("--profile", help="AWS profile: "+aws_profile_default, default=aws_profile_default)
parser.add_argument("--region", help="AWS region: "+aws_region_default, default=aws_region_default)
parser.add_argument("--dryrun", help="Dry Run. defaults to True (dry run)", choices=['true', 'false'], default=True)
args = parser.parse_args()
global aws_profile
aws_profile = args.profile
if aws_profile == "":
aws_profile = aws_profile_default
print "-profile argument not provided, defaulting to "+aws_profile_default
global aws_region
aws_region = args.region
if aws_region == "":
aws_region = aws_region_default
print "-region argument not provided, defaulting to "+aws_region_default
global dryrun
if str(args.dryrun).lower() == "false":
dryrun = False
if __name__ == "__main__":
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