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Forked from PhilGeek/README.markdown
Created July 12, 2010 16:00
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LaTeX Preamble

Created by Mark Eli Kalderon on 2008-07-30


LaTeX preamble and associated files. Meant to be used as a submodule of a Git repository. The file, preamble.tex, needs to be included in the LaTeX document under version control. See the provided template. For more information about keeping your LaTeX preamble in a Git submodule see this blog post.

LaTeX Template

%!TEX TS-program = xelatex 
%!TEX TS-options = -synctex=1 -output-driver="xdvipdfmx -q -E"
%!TEX encoding = UTF-8 Unicode
%  my_title
%  Created by my_name on date.
%  Copyright (c) year. All rights reserved.


% Definitions



% Title Page
% \begin{abstract} % optional
% \noindent
% \end{abstract} 
\vskip 2em \hrule height 0.4pt \vskip 2em
% \epigraph{text of epigraph}{\textsc{author of epigraph}} % optional; make sure to uncomment \usepackage{epigraph}

% Layout Settings

% Main Content

% Bibligography



The files:

  • preamble.tex
  • README.markdown

are written by Mark Eli Kalderon and are dedicated to the Public Domain.

% Packages
\usepackage{geometry} \geometry{a4paper}
% \usepackage{setspace}
% \doublespace % Uncomment for doublespacing if necessary
% \usepackage{epigraph} % optional
% XeTeX
\setmainfont{Hoefler Text}
\setsansfont{Gill Sans}
% Section Formatting
% TODO List
\usepackage{index} % use index package to create indices
\newindex{todo}{tod}{tnd}{TODO List} % start todo list
\newindex{fixme}{fix}{fnd}{FIXME List} % start fixme list
\newcommand{\todo}[1]{\textcolor{blue}{TODO: #1}\index[todo]{#1}} % macro for todo entries
\newcommand{\fixme}[1]{\textcolor{red}{FIXME: #1}\index[fixme]{#1}} % macro for fixme entries
% Bibliography
% Title Information
\title{\mytitle} % For thanks comment this line and uncomment the line below
% \date{} % Leave blank for no date, comment out for most recent date
% PDF Stuff
\usepackage[plainpages=false, pdfpagelabels, bookmarksnumbered, backref, pdftitle={\mytitle}, pagebackref, pdfauthor={\myauthor}, pdfkeywords={\mykeywords}, xetex, dvipdfmx, colorlinks=true, citecolor=gray, linkcolor=gray, urlcolor=gray]{hyperref}
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