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Created February 14, 2022 10:33
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Add custom f1 score to the implementation of optimising threshold for multilabel classifiers described in "Threshold optimisation for multi label classifier"
from functools import partial
import time
from sklearn.metrics import multilabel_confusion_matrix
from scipy.sparse import load_npz
import numpy as np
import typer
if "line_profiler" not in dir() and "profile" not in dir():
# no-op profile decorator
def profile(f):
return f
def f(Y_pred_proba, Y_test, thresholds):
Y_pred = Y_pred_proba > thresholds
mlcm = multilabel_confusion_matrix(Y_test, Y_pred)
cm = mlcm.sum(axis=0)
tn, fp, fn, tp = cm.ravel()
f1 = tp / ( tp+ (fp+fn) / 2)
return f1
def argmaxf1(Y_pred_proba, Y_test, optimal_thresholds, k, nb_thresholds=None):
optimal_thresholds_star = optimal_thresholds.copy()
fp = partial(f, Y_pred_proba, Y_test)
if nb_thresholds:
thresholds = np.array([i/nb_thresholds for i in range(0, nb_thresholds)])
thresholds = np.unique(np.array(Y_pred_proba[:,k].todense()).ravel())
for threshold in thresholds:
optimal_thresholds_star[k] = threshold
if fp(optimal_thresholds_star) > fp(optimal_thresholds):
optimal_thresholds = optimal_thresholds_star.copy()
return optimal_thresholds
def optimize_threshold(y_pred_path, y_test_path, nb_thresholds:int=None):
Y_pred_proba = load_npz(y_pred_path)
Y_test = load_npz(y_test_path)
N = Y_pred_proba.shape[1]
optimal_thresholds = np.array(Y_pred_proba.min(axis=1).todense())
fp = partial(f, Y_pred_proba, Y_test)
updated = True
while updated:
updated = False
for k in range(N):
start = time.time()
optimal_thresholds_star = argmaxf1(Y_pred_proba, Y_test, optimal_thresholds, k, nb_thresholds)
if fp(optimal_thresholds_star) > fp(optimal_thresholds):
optimal_thresholds = optimal_thresholds_star
updated = True
print(f"label {k} - updated {updated} - time elapsed {time.time()-start:.2f}s")
if __name__ == "__main__":
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