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Last active February 8, 2021 09:14
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Laravel with Doctrine Set-up

Laravel 5.8 with Doctrine 1.4

Installation and configuration procedures for laravel and doctrine The following packages that will be installed:

  • laravel 5.8
  • laravel-doctrine orm 1.4
  • laravel-doctrine acl 1.0
  • laravel-doctrine migrations 1.1
  • laravel-doctrine extensions 1.0
  • laravel-doctrine extensions gedmo 2.4

Installation and Configuration Procedures:

Laravel Installation

composer create-project --prefer-dist laravel/laravel <PROJECT_DIR_NAME> "5.8.*"
composer update
composer dump-autoload

After the installation, check for .env file. If not yet created, copy the .env.example
file to .env then generate an application key using the php artisan key:generate command

Laravel Doctrine ORM Installation

composer require "laravel-doctrine/orm:1.4.*"

Open the config/app.php file and add the Doctrine Service Provider for autoloading:

'providers' => [
	 * Doctrine Service Providers...

In the same file config/app.php, set the class aliases for EntityManager, Registry, and Doctrine
copy the code below and append it just below the Service Providers section.

'aliases' => [
         * Doctrine Class Aliases...
	'EntityManager' => LaravelDoctrine\ORM\Facades\EntityManager::class,
	'Registry'      => LaravelDoctrine\ORM\Facades\Registry::class,
	'Doctrine'      => LaravelDoctrine\ORM\Facades\Doctrine::class,

Publish the doctrine and debug config file, use the command below:

  • This will create a file doctrine.php file in the config directory
php artisan vendor:publish --tag="config"

Optionally, the base_path in config/doctrine.php can be updated for the location of Entity files

'managers'                  => [
       'default' => [
           'paths'      => [

Laravel Doctrine Migration Installation

composer require "laravel-doctrine/migrations:1.1.*"

Open the config/app.php file and register the Doctrine Migration Service Provider by adding this
LaravelDoctrine\Migrations\MigrationsServiceProvider::class, line of code as see in the code below:

'providers' => [
	 * Doctrine Service Providers...

Publish the doctrine migration config file, use the command below:

  • This will create a file migrations.php file in the config directory
php artisan vendor:publish --tag="config"

Laravel Doctrine Extension Installation

composer require "laravel-doctrine/extensions:1.0.*"

Laravel Doctrine Gedmo Extension Installation

composer require "gedmo/doctrine-extensions:^2.4"

Open the config/app.php file and register the Gedmo Doctrine Extension Service Provider by adding this
LaravelDoctrine\Extensions\GedmoExtensionsServiceProvider::class, line of code as see in the code below:

'providers' => [
     * Doctrine Service Providers...

Open the config/doctrine.php file and uncomment the timestamp extension:

'extensions'                => [

Laravel Doctrine ACL Installation

  • Install when there's a need for role base functinality

Laravel Doctrine ACL offers:

  • User can belong to Organisation(s)
  • User can have Roles
  • User and Roles can have Permissions
  • Seamless integration with Laravel's Authorization system
composer require "laravel-doctrine/acl:^1.0"

Open the config/app.php file and register the Doctrine ACL Service Provider by adding this
LaravelDoctrine\ACL\AclServiceProvider::class, line of code as see in the code below:

'providers' => [
     * Doctrine Service Providers...

Publish the doctrine acl config file, use the command below:

After publishing, you should check the class name the acl.roles.entity config to your class,
by default this is set to App\Role.

php artisan vendor:publish --tag="config"

Apache - WAMP/XAMP configuration

The following configurations will allow us to run laravel without the using the artisan command php artisan serve.
We can instead use localhost:<PORT_NUMBER> in the browsers' address bar

Port to listen

Locate and open the file httpd.conf file then add a new port to listen


VHost Enrty

Locate and open the file httpd-vhosts.conf then add a new vhost entry

<VirtualHost *:<PORT_NUMBER>>
    ServerName <PROJECT_NAME>.localhost
    DocumentRoot "<INSTALL_LOCATION>/<PROJECT_DIR_NAME>/public/"
        DirectoryIndex index.php
        AllowOverride All
        Order allow,deny
        Allow from all
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