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Created April 28, 2023 10:49
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Typescript interfaces for working with the HAR v1.2. Based on
* Based on Har v1.2
* Detailed specification references can be founnd at:
* Note: All the optional attributes in the interfaces
* are also optional in the spec
/* CORE */
interface Har {
log: {
version: string
creator: Creator
browser?: Creator
pages?: Page[]
entries: Entry[]
comment?: string
// The array of entries is sorted
// by startedDateTime (starting from the oldest)
// startedDateTime is base on ISO 8601 ->
// example -> "2009-04-16T12:07:25.123+01:00"
// can be generated with -> (new Date()).toISOString()
interface Entry {
pageref?: Page["id"] // unique string
startedDateTime: string,
time: number, // elapsed time
request: HarRequest,
response: HarResponse,
cache: CacheEntry,
timings: Timing,
comment?: string
serverIPAddress?: string
connection?: string
interface HarRequest {
method: string
url: string
httpVersion: string
cookies: HarCookie[]
headers: Header[]
queryString: RequestQueryParam[]
postData?: PostRequestData
headersSize: number
bodySize: number
comment?: string
interface PostRequestData {
mimeType: string
params: PostRequestParams[]
text: string
comment?: string
interface PostRequestParams {
name: string
value?: string
fileName?: string
contentType?: string
comment?: string
interface HarResponse {
status: number
statusText: string
httpVersion: string
cookies: HarCookie[]
headers: Header[]
content: ResponseContent
redirectUrl: string
headersSize: number
bodySize: number
comment?: string
interface ResponseContent {
size: number
compression?: number
mimeType: string
text?: string
encoding?: string
comment?: string
/* COMMON */
interface HarCookie {
name: string
value: string
path?: string
domain?: string
expires?: string // ISO 8601
httpOnly?: boolean
secure?: boolean
comment?: string
interface Page {
startedDateTime: string // ISO 8601
id: string
title: string
pageTimings?: HarPageTimings
comment?: string
interface HarPageTimings {
onContentLoaded?: number
onLoad?: number
comment?: string
type RequestQueryParam = NameValueEntry
type Header = NameValueEntry
interface NameValueEntry {
name: string,
value: string,
comment?: string
type Browser = NameVersionEntry
type Creator = NameVersionEntry
interface NameVersionEntry {
name: string
version: string
comment?: string
interface Timing {
blocked?: number
dns?: number
connect?: number
send: number
wait: number
recieve: number
ssl?: number
comment?: string
interface CacheEntry {
beforeRequest?: HarRequestCache
afterRequest?: HarRequestCache
comment?: string
interface HarRequestCache {
expires?: string
lastAccess: string
eTag: string
hitCount: number
comment?: string
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