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Created August 17, 2012 03:58
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Twitter webscrapping
#!/usr/bin/env python
"""Twitter webscrapping, works on 2012-08-17
$ python
@RonaldHayden | Firing up Uncharted 2 thanks to @chuckdude -- y'all have raised my expectations!
@CocoaSamurai | My list of Go features i'd love to see in Objective-C forgot to tweet this earlier
@slashdot | Dremel-Based Project Accepted As Apache Incubator
import re
import requests # pip install requests
from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup # pip install beautifulsoup
def tweets_from_html(html):
soup = BeautifulSoup(html)#.prettify()
usernames = [s.renderContents()[15:].rstrip() for s in soup.findAll('span', attrs = {'class':'username'})]
texts = [''.join(s.findAll(text=True)) for s in soup.findAll('div', attrs = {'class':'tweet-text'})]
return [{'username':u, 'text':t} for (u, t) in zip(usernames, texts)]
def get_authentication_token():
r = requests.get("")
m = re.findall(r'<input name="authenticity_token" type="hidden" value="(\S*)"', r.text)
return (m[0], r.cookies)
def get_login_cookies(username, password, authentication_token, cookies):
d = {'authenticity_token':authentication_token, 'username':username, 'password':password, 'commit':'Sign in'}
r ="", data = d, cookies = cookies)
return r.cookies
def get_html_timeline(username, password):
(authentication_token, cookies) = get_authentication_token()
cookies = get_login_cookies(username, password, authentication_token, cookies = cookies)
r = requests.get('', cookies = cookies)
return r.text
def main():
html = get_html_timeline(username='', password='')
for t in tweets_from_html(html):
print "@%(username)-14s | %(text)s" % t
if __name__ == "__main__":
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