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Created May 11, 2023 21:11
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glmnet3 <- function(X, y, family = c("gaussian", "binomial"), id = NULL) {
if (!is.null(id)) {
folds <- origami::make_folds(
nrow(X), fold_fun = origami::folds_vfold,
cluster_ids = id, V = 10
foldid <- vector("numeric", nrow(X))
for (i in 1:nrow(X)) {
for (v in 1:10) {
if (i %in% folds[[v]]$validation_set) {
foldid[i] <- v
} else {
foldid <- NULL
ans <- list(covars = names(X))
if (ncol(X) == 1) {
x <- as.matrix(X)
ans$fit <- glm(y ~ ., data = cbind(y = y, X), family = match.arg(family))
} else {
f <- as.formula(paste0("~ .^", ncol(X)))
x <- model.matrix(f, X)[, -1]
ans$fit <- glmnet::cv.glmnet(x, y, family = match.arg(family), foldid = foldid)
predict.glmnet3 <- function(object, newx) {
if (inherits(object$fit, "glm")) {
return(predict(object$fit, newx, type = "response"))
X <-[, object$covars, drop = TRUE]
f <- as.formula(paste0("~ .^", ncol(X)))
X <- model.matrix(f, X)[, -1]
as.vector(predict(object$fit, X, type = "response")[, 1])
SL.glmnet3 <- function(Y, X, newX, family, obsWeights, id, nrounds = 1000, verbose = -1,
learning_rate = 0.1, min_data_in_leaf = 10, max_depth = -1, ...) {
if (!requireNamespace("glmnet", quietly = FALSE)) {
stop("loading required package (glmnet) failed", call. = FALSE)
model <- glmnet3(X, Y, id = id, family = family$family)
pred <- predict.glmnet3(model, newX)
fit <- list(object = model)
class(fit) <- c("SL.glmnet3")
out <- list(pred = pred, fit = fit)
predict.SL.glmnet3 <- function(object, newdata, ...) {
if (!requireNamespace("glmnet", quietly = FALSE)) {
stop("loading required package (glmnet) failed", call. = FALSE)
pred <- predict.glmnet3(object$object, newdata)
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