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Last active July 1, 2020 04:10
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Save ntabee/37a1995c54fb54cef949 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
#include <array>
#include <iostream>
#include "tempra.hpp"
template<unsigned n, typename R>
struct print_randoms {
static void print() {
typedef typename Next<R>::type RND;
std::cout << RND::value << std::endl;
print_randoms<n-1, RND>::print();
template<typename R>
struct print_randoms<0, R> {
static void print() {
std::cout << Next<R>::value << std::endl;
template<unsigned n, typename R>
struct make_random_arity_array {
static void print() {
typedef typename Next<R>::type RND;
std::array<int, RND::value % 65536> a;
std::cout << "a is std::array<int, " << a.size() << ">" << std::endl;
make_random_arity_array<n-1, RND>::print();
template<typename R>
struct make_random_arity_array<0, R> {
static void print() {
typedef typename Next<R>::type RND;
std::array<int, RND::value % 65536> a;
std::cout << "a is std::array<int, " << a.size() << ">" << std::endl;
int main(int ac, char** av) {
print_randoms<10, META_PRNG>::print();
make_random_arity_array<10, META_PRNG>::print();
return 0;
// tempra.hpp
#pragma once
#include <cstdint>
#include <climits>
template<uint32_t x, uint32_t y, uint32_t z, uint32_t w>
struct meta_xor128 {
static const uint32_t x_ = x;
static const uint32_t y_ = y;
static const uint32_t z_ = z;
static const uint32_t w_ = w;
static const uint32_t value = w;
template<typename E>
struct eval {
typedef E type;
template<typename E>
struct init {
typedef typename eval<E>::type type;
static const uint32_t value = type::value;
template<uint32_t x, uint32_t y, uint32_t z, uint32_t w>
struct init<meta_xor128<x,y,z,w>> {
typedef typename eval<meta_xor128<x,y,z,w>>::type type;
static const uint32_t value = type::value;
template<uint32_t x, uint32_t y, uint32_t z, uint32_t w>
struct eval<meta_xor128<x,y,z,w>> {
#define t (x ^ (x << 11 ))
static const uint32_t value = (w ^ (w>>19)) ^ (t ^ (t >> 8));
typedef meta_xor128<y, z, w, (w ^ (w>>19)) ^ (t ^ (t >> 8))> type;
#undef t
template<typename Engine>
struct Random {
typedef typename init<Engine>::type type;
static const decltype(type::value) value = type::value;
template <typename R>
struct Next {
typedef typename eval<R>::type type;
static const decltype(type::value) value = type::value;
constexpr char inits[] = __TIME__;
constexpr uint32_t DEFAULT_SEED =
(inits[0]-'0')*100000+(inits[1]-'0')*10000 +
typedef typename Random<meta_xor128<DEFAULT_SEED, DEFAULT_SEED+13, DEFAULT_SEED+34, DEFAULT_SEED+89>>::type META_PRNG;
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