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Created November 19, 2020 19:30
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from typing import Tuple, Text, Dict
import tensorflow as tf
from tensorflow.keras.layers import Input, Concatenate, Reshape, Dense
from input_fn_utils import transformed_name
def get_input_graph(input_feature_keys, input_window_size) -> Tuple[Input, tf.keras.layers.Layer]:
Creates the named input layers, strips the column names and provides
them as a plain tensor.
Tuple[Input, tf.keras.layers.Layer]: Input for your model and a layer with output shape
[None (batch size), input_window_size, len(input_feature_keys)]
transformed_columns = [transformed_name(
key) for key in input_feature_keys]
input_layers = {
colname: Input(name=colname, shape=(
input_window_size), dtype=tf.float32)
for colname in transformed_columns
pre_model_input = Concatenate(axis=-1)(list(input_layers.values()))
pre_model_input = Reshape(target_shape=(input_window_size, len(input_feature_keys)))(
return input_layers, pre_model_input
def get_output_graph(head_layer, predict_feature_keys, output_window_size) -> Dict[Text, tf.keras.layers.Layer]:
Transforms a plain-tensor feature layer output to named output layers.
head_layer ([type]): The final feature layer of your model
Dict[Text, tf.keras.layers.Layer]: Named Dense layer outputs based on predict_feature_keys
return {
colname: Dense(units=output_window_size, name=colname)(head_layer)
for colname in predict_feature_keys
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