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Created July 21, 2013 17:37
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PartialView Controller Example. Play Framework 2.1.x Scala. Usage in conf/routes: GET /:controller/_:partial controllers.PartialView.render(controller:String, partial: String) Define this view file: app/views/DemoSix/_helloPartialWorld.scala.html Usage in Browser URL bar: http://localhost:9000/DemoSix/_helloPartialWorld Easy method to use partia…
package controllers
import java.lang.reflect.Method
import play.api._
import play.api.mvc._
import play.api.libs.{ Comet }
import play.api.libs.iteratee._
import play.api.libs.concurrent._
import scala.concurrent.duration._
import play.api.libs.concurrent.Execution.Implicits._
import models._
* A Play Scala 2.1.x Controller prototype to allow easy inclusion of Ruby on Rails style Partials
* using the underscore naming convention.
* Kudos to:
* Authored: Taylor Brockman, Identityship, Inc. 2013-Jul-21
* Example Usage in conf/routes to reserve _ as a special character:
* GET /:controller/_:partial controllers.PartialView.render(controller:String, partial: String)
* Strict example to lock to a specific controller:
* GET /DemoFive/_:partial controllers.PartialView.render(controllerName = "DemoFive", partial: String)
* Example: ./app/views/DemoSix/_helloPartialWorld.scala.html
* Example: request loads: http://localhost:9000/DemoSix/_helloPartialWorld
* TODO: Add Dynamic GET parameter mapping somehow!
object PartialView extends Controller {
* Entry point that returns an Ok or NotFound of the partial requested.
def render(controllerName: String, partialName: String) = Action {
// Autosense the underscore at start
val divider = partialName.startsWith("_") match { case true => ""; case _ => "_" }
renderDynamic("views.html." + controllerName + "." + divider + partialName) match {
case Some(i) => Ok(i)
case None => NotFound
* Use Java reflection to find views in the namespace
def renderDynamic(viewClazz: String): Option[play.api.templates.Html] = {
try {
val clazz: Class[_] = Play.current.classloader.loadClass(viewClazz)
//println("renderDynamic: Found clazz: " + viewClazz )
//println("renderDynamic: Methods: " + clazz.getMethods().toArray)
//for ( method <- clazz.getMethods() ) {
// println("renderDynamic: Method: " + method )
val render: Method = clazz.getDeclaredMethod("render") //Took off parameter: , classOf[String])
val view = render.invoke(clazz).asInstanceOf[play.api.templates.Html] // Took off parameteR: , "test"
return Some(view)
} catch {
case ex: ClassNotFoundException => Logger.error("Html.renderDynamic() : could not find view " + viewClazz, ex)
return None
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