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Forked from accentinteractive/generate.php
Created March 22, 2014 16:55
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* Use this class to automatically generate files for Codeigniter.
* This is to be used specifically with the file setup such as used
* in the course Building a CMS with Codeigniter on
* Just place this in your appllication/controllers folder and run it.
* NOTE: the ENVIRONMENT constant has to be set to 'development' or the
* class will return a 404.
* All filenames can be passed as a single filename, like:
* filename
* Or as a relative path, separated by backslahes and ending with the filename, like
* some_folder\some_subfolder\filename
* Usage can be found in the docblocks with every method.
* Parameters between brackets are optional.
class Generate extends CI_Controller
private $msg = array();
public function __construct ()
// This class should only be run in development!
if (ENVIRONMENT != 'development') {
* Create a controller file in APPATH/controllers. Do not include '.php' in the name.
* Typical usage:
* generate/controller/controller_name[/class_to_extend][/include_crud_methods]
* @param string $name Separate subfolders with backslash folder1\folder2\class_name
* @param string $extends Defaults to NULL
* @param boolean $crud Defaults to FALSE
* @return void
* @author Joost van Veen
public function controller ($name, $extends = NULL, $crud = FALSE)
$file = $this->_create_folders_from_name($name, 'controllers');
$data = '';
$data .= $this->_class_open($file['file'], __METHOD__, $extends);
$crud === FALSE || $data .= $this->_crud_methods_contraller();
$data .= $this->_class_close();
$path = APPPATH . 'controllers/' . $file['path'] . strtolower($file['file']) . '.php';
write_file($path, $data);
$this->msg[] = 'Created controller ' . $path;
echo $this->_messages();
* Create a model file in APPATH/controllers. The model extends MY_Model as
* used in the course. Do not include '.php' in the name.
* Typical usage:
* generate/model/model_name[/table_name]
* @param string $name Separate subfolders with backslash folder1\folder2\class_name
* @param string $table Defaults to emtpy string
* @return void
* @author Joost van Veen
public function model ($name, $table = '')
$file = $this->_create_folders_from_name($name, 'models');
$data = '';
$data .= $this->_class_open($file['file'], 'MY_Model', 'MY_Model');
$data .= $this->_crud_methods_model($table);
$data .= $this->_class_close();
$path = APPPATH . 'models/' . $file['path'] . strtolower($file['file']) . '.php';
write_file($path, $data);
$this->msg[] = 'Created model ' . $path;
echo $this->_messages();
* Create a view file (and folders, if they do not exist yet). Do not
* include '.php' in the name.
* Typical usage:
* generate/view/folder1\folder2\folder3\filename
* @param string $name Separate subfolders with backslash folder1\folder2\file_name
* @return void
* @author Joost van Veen
public function view ($name)
$file = $this->_create_folders_from_name($name, 'views');
$data = $this->_php_open();
$path = APPPATH . 'views/' . $file['path'] . strtolower($file['file']) . '.php';
write_file($path, $data);
$this->msg[] = 'Created view file ' . $path;
echo $this->_messages();
* Create an empty library class. Do not include '.php' in the name.
* Typical usage:
* generate/library/some_library[/class_to_extend]
* @param string $name Separate subfolders with backslash folder1\folder2\class_name
* @param string $extends Defaults to NULL
* @return void
* @author Joost van Veen
public function library ($name, $extends = NULL)
$file = $this->_create_folders_from_name($name, 'libraries');
$data = '';
$data .= $this->_class_open($file['file'], NULL, $extends);
$data .= "\n\tpublic function __construct() {\n";
$data .= "\t}\n";
$data .= $this->_class_close();
$path = APPPATH . 'libraries/' . $file['path'] . strtolower($file['file']) . '.php';
write_file($path, $data);
$this->msg[] = 'Created library ' . $path;
echo $this->_messages();
* Create an empty helper file. The extension _helper.php will automatically
* be added. Do not include '.php' in the name.
* Typical usage:
* generate/helper/some_helper
* @param string $name Separate subfolders with backslash folder1\folder2\file_name
* @return void
* @author Joost van Veen
public function helper ($name)
$file = $this->_create_folders_from_name($name, 'helpers');
$data = $this->_php_open();
strpos($file['file'], '_helper') || $file['file'] .= '_helper';
$path = APPPATH . 'helpers/' . $file['path'] . strtolower($file['file']) . '.php';
write_file($path, $data);
$this->msg[] = 'Created helper file at ' . $path;
echo $this->_messages();
* Take the name of a file and traverse the folder path in that filename.
* If the folders in the filename do not exist, create them.
* Folders are separated by backslashes.
* Typical usage:
* file - does nothing and just returns filname 'file'
* folder\file - creates folder 'folder' if it does not exist, and returns filename 'folder/file'
* folder\subfolder/file - creates folders 'folder' and 'folder/subfolder' if they do not exist, and returns filename 'folder/subfolder/file'
* @param string $name [folder\][subfolder\]filename
* @param string $base_folder The base folder, relative to '/applications', e.g. 'views' or 'controllers'
* @return string The filepath
* @author Joost van Veen
private function _create_folders_from_name ($name, $base_folder)
$name = str_replace('%5C', '/', $name);
// Check if folders exist. If not, create them.
$folders = explode('/', $name);
// Remove the last index, because that is the file
$file = array_pop($folders);
// Check if folders exist and create them if they don't
$path = '';
if (count($folders)) {
$current_folder = directory_map(APPPATH . $base_folder);
$current_path = APPPATH . $base_folder;
foreach ($folders as $folder) {
if (! isset($current_folder[$folder])) {
$this->msg[] = 'Created new folder: ' . $folder;
mkdir($current_path . '/' . $folder);
$current_folder = @$current_folder[$folder];
$current_path .= '/' . $folder;
$path .= $folder . '/';
return array('path' => $path, 'file' => $file);
* Return generic class opener
* @param string $name
* @param string $extends
* @return string
* @author Joost van Veen
private function _class_open ($name, $type = NULL, $extends = NULL)
$string = '';
$string .= "class " . ucfirst($name) . " ";
if ($extends === NULL && $type !== NULL) {
$string .= "extends CI_" . ucfirst(str_replace('Generate::', '', $type));
elseif ($extends !== NULL) {
$string .= "extends $extends ";
$string .= "\n{";
return $string;
* Return generic CRUD methods for model
* @return string
* @author Joost van Veen
private function _crud_methods_model ($table)
$string = '';
$string .= "\n\tprotected \$_table_name = '$table'; // table name\n";
$string .= "\tprotected \$_primary_key = 'id'; // Delete this if value is 'id'\n";
$string .= "\tprotected \$_primary_filter = 'intval'; // Delete this if value is 'intval'\n";
$string .= "\tprotected \$_order_by = '';\n";
$string .= "\tprotected \$_timestamps = FALSE; // Delete this if value is FALSE\n";
$string .= "\tpublic \$rules = array(\n";
$string .= "\t\t'some_field => array('\n";
$string .= "\t\t\t'field => '',\n";
$string .= "\t\t\t'label => '',\n";
$string .= "\t\t\t'rules => 'trim',\n";
$string .= "\t\t),\n";
$string .= "\t);\n";
$string .= "\n\tpublic function __construct() {\n";
$string .= "\t\tparent::__construct();\n";
$string .= "\t}\n";
return $string;
* Return generic CRUD methods for controller
* @return string
* @author Joost van Veen
private function _crud_methods_contraller ()
$string = '';
$string .= "\n\tpublic function __construct() {\n";
$string .= "\t\tparent::__construct();\n";
$string .= "\n\t}\n";
$string .= "\n\t/**\n";
$string .= "\t * Fetch and display records\n";
$string .= "\t * @return void\n";
$string .= "\t */\n";
$string .= "\tpublic function index() {\n";
$string .= "\n\t}\n";
$string .= "\n\t/**\n";
$string .= "\t * Insert or update a record\n";
$string .= "\t * @param int \$id Defaults to NULL\n";
$string .= "\t * @return void\n";
$string .= "\t */\n";
$string .= "\tpublic function edit(\$id = NULL) {\n";
$string .= "\n\t}\n";
$string .= "\n\t/**\n";
$string .= "\t * Delete a record\n";
$string .= "\t * @param int \$id\n";
$string .= "\t * @return void\n";
$string .= "\t */\n";
$string .= "\tpublic function delete(\$id) {\n";
$string .= "\n\t}\n";
return $string;
* Return a generic class closing
* @return string
* @author Joost van Veen
private function _class_close ()
return "\n}";
private function _php_open ()
return '<?php if ( ! defined(\'BASEPATH\')) exit(\'No direct script access allowed\');' . "\n";
* Wrap $this->msg in HTML and return it to be displayed
* @return string
* @author Joost van Veen
private function _messages ()
$string = '<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>Generator script</title>
<body style="background: #FCF7E3;">
<div style="width: 600px; margin: 40px auto; font-family: arial, sans-serif; background: #fff; border: 1px dotted #000; padding: 30px; ">
<h1>Generator script run</h1>
' . ul($this->msg) . '
return $string;
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