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Last active February 24, 2022 17:20
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Save nternetinspired/7482445 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Load Disqus comments only on demand if you give a shit about page weight and your visitors. Even with no comments, i.e. an empty comment form, calling Disqus will load an extra 226Kb. If your page has comments this can be far higher. This Gist accompanies my blog post:
// Requires jQuery of course.
$(document).ready(function() {
$('.show-comments').on('click', function(){
var disqus_shortname = 'YOUR-DISQUS-USERNAME'; // Replace this value with *your* username.
// ajax request to load the disqus javascript
type: "GET",
url: "http://" + disqus_shortname + "",
dataType: "script",
cache: true
// hide the button once comments load
<!-- An element a visitor can click if they <3 comments! -->
<button class="show-comments">Load Disqus comments</button>
<!-- The empty element required for Disqus to loads comments into -->
<div id="disqus_thread"></div>
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Simple and effective. Thanks for posting.

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REALLY useful. I knew that my page loads were being really severely effected by Disqus. Though I do also think Disqus is a great solution for comments, the loading time is a major issue so its worth sacrificing and using dynamic load. This is also majorly true for mobile devices. THANK YOU! :)

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$.getScript would tidy things up a bit.

edit: ahh, the downfall is this sets cache to false. So you'd have to do something in ajax setup... or just don't listen to me and do what @nternetinspired said. :)

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  1. How to make it open in a new window/pop up window ?
  2. How this code can be changed for using multiple threads on same page?

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Averyy commented Jun 9, 2014

Amazing, thanks for this.

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This is awesome - finally I found a solution that works with Content-Security-Policies. My attempts to get Disqus with the jQuery load() function all resulted in a unsafe-eval violation.

Thank you so much!

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LaGross commented Feb 28, 2015

Fixed: I fixed the problem. The problem was that blogger redirects to the country specific blogger domain. That's when disqus looses the thread-url. I needed to use the disqus variables from their original code ( The second problem was the embed.js script. I changed it to blogger_item.js and now everything works fine.

(original question)
When I use this code for my blog, commens which already have been postet to it are not displayed. Somehow Disqus can not make the reference to the previous comments. Is there a way to fix this? Can I use the page URL as parameter somehow? I created a test-blog and there it works. Only difference: my shortname. the shortname for my real blog has "-" in it. Can it effect it? Do I need to escape them?

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euler0 commented Jun 4, 2015

It's more practical to use protocol-relative URL, '//' instead of 'http://'. Disqus also suggests it in their template code.

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seb86 commented Feb 6, 2017

How does this work on WordPress blog posts?

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rrecinos commented Feb 8, 2017

@seb86 you could just place the HTML code into the single.php file and the SCRIPT into the footer.php and that should do it.

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seb86 commented Mar 22, 2017

@rrecinos Do I not have to specify a post ID?

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zenbug commented Sep 15, 2017

Possible to make that button toggle comments on and off?

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Thank you very much 👍

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Piggybacking off of euler0's comment, in this day and age you really just want to use HTTPS instead of protocol-relative.

See for example

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Why does it has to be jquery? Can't JavaScript do this? Since it's to reduce bloat might as well do it in pure JavaScript.

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ghost commented Mar 19, 2018

How to specifiy postID etc... ?

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