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Last active November 13, 2020 10:13
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FFTLog in Python, using only numpy and scipy.special.loggamma
import numpy as np
from scipy.fft import rfft, irfft
from scipy.special import loggamma
# constants
LN_2 = np.log(2)
LN_10 = np.log(10)
def lnkrgood(lnkr, dlnr, mu, q=0.0):
# find low-ringing kr
xp = (mu+1+q)/2
xm = (mu+1-q)/2
y = np.pi/(2*dlnr)
zp = loggamma(xp + 1j*y)
zm = loggamma(xm + 1j*y)
arg = (LN_2 - lnkr)/dlnr + (zp.imag + zm.imag)/np.pi
return lnkr + (arg - np.round(arg))*dlnr
def fhtq(f, dlnr, lnkr, mu, q=0.0):
'''compute a discrete version of the biased Hankel transform
f : array_like (..., N)
Function values. Can be multidimensional, the transform is performed
over the last axis.
dlnr : float
Log-spacing of abscissae.
lnkr : float
Relation between k and r arrays, `k = exp(lnkr)/r[::-1]`.
mu : float
Order of the transform.
q : float, optional
Exponent of power law bias.
assert np.ndim(f) >= 1, 'f must be array'
assert np.isscalar(dlnr), 'dlnr must be scalar'
assert np.isscalar(lnkr), 'kr must be scalar'
assert np.isscalar(mu), 'mu must be scalar'
# size of transform
n = np.shape(f)[-1]
# compute Hankel transform coefficients
a = (mu+1+q)/2
b = (mu+1-q)/2
c = np.arange(0, n//2+1, dtype=float)
c *= np.pi/(n*dlnr)
u = np.empty(len(c), dtype=complex)
v = np.empty(len(c), dtype=complex)
u.real[:] = a
v.real[:] = b
u.imag[:] = c
v.imag[:] = c
loggamma(u, out=u)
loggamma(v, out=v)
c *= 2*(lnkr - LN_2)
u.real -= v.real
u.real += LN_2*q
u.imag += v.imag
u.imag -= c
np.exp(u, out=u)
if np.isnan(u[0]):
if a > 0:
u[0] = 0
raise ValueError(f'singular transform')
# Hankel transform via real FFT
g = rfft(f, axis=-1)
g *= u
g = irfft(g, n, axis=-1)
g[..., :] = g[..., ::-1]
return g
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