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Last active July 24, 2018 09:08
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A Readme for my friends visiting Paris.

Un petit guide Parisien

Generic tips

Paris is small. Most point of interest are within walking/biking distance of each other. Don't hesitate to rent a bike in one of the numerous spots all around the city. Here how it works:

  • Pay for one day or more
  • Take a bike anywhere, put it back anywhere. First 30min of each ride is free, but you can always put it back and take it again :p

** Note: Since they changed the company that was providing the service, it became significantly worse. Not sure if it's still worth or not **

What to visit


Well, this topic could go on forever: Paris is full of museums

  • Le louvre:

Probably the most famous in the world. The museum is open by night two days a week, I recommend going during theses times: Wednesday and Friday until 21h45. I used to ask go in pajamas as a kid, the deserted dark Egyptians halls where really thrilling :). Don't waste your time with La Joconde or La Vénus de Milo... Too many tourists, so much other things to do

  • L'Orangerie
  • Le Musée d'Orsay
  • Le centre Pompidou

Theses are the most famous ones.

Less famous you have

  • The Rodin Museums:

Yes, that's a plural. The most famous one is the one in Paris, the least famous one is in Meudon, few kilometers away from Paris. I like the second one because it was Rodin's atelier; where he produced his art. Also his mistress home ^^ On the same line as the one that goes to Versailles

  • Le Musée du Quai Branly:

I like this one too. It's about primitive arts; from all over the world. Special mention to the shrunken heads :o. Next to the Eiffel Tower.


  • Notre Dame: By all mean, go inside but don't waste your time in it. So many noisy tourists; it's not really a church anymore.
  • Le Sacré Coeur: Beware of people coming to sell you stuff; say "no" and walk away. Walk up the stairs and go back using the small streets on the side, it's really nice :) Pass by the Moulin Rouge at night if you're around.
  • Les Catacombes. Lot's of people since a few years; but that's really unique. Bonus points for summer time: you'll be able to cool off a bit.
  • L'Arc de Triomphe
  • Les champs élysées (I hate this place)
  • Eiffel tower (shit I almost forgot that one:p)
  • Les Invalides, Le petit Palais, Le grand Palais, Le panthéon, Google for more...

About churches: don't hesitate to push the door and enter, even if it seems empty.


There is a lots of parcs in Paris. I wouldn't recommend one in particular so I'm just going to make a short list. If you happen to be around go. People usually go to the first one:

  • Les jardins du Luxembourg
  • Le square des Batignolles
  • Les Buttes-Chaumont
  • Le Jardin des Plantes (I like that one but it's a bit away from downtown). Go if you like dinosaurs or exotic plants.
  • Le Parc Monceau
  • Montsouris

Walking around:

  • The Seine River: you can walk on the shores, 100% recommend. It's really nice. Cross the bridge, visit a museum, take an other walk, ...
  • Le marais
  • Le quartier latin
  • La rue mouffetard

When to go

Best time is summer. Special mention to July 14 (national day; fireworks on the eiffel tower), and June 16 (music festival; lots of bands playing all around... and drunk people :p)

What to eat


Few tips:

  • Bread is always free, you can ask for more if you want.
  • Water is always free, ask for "tap water" or "une caraffe". If you order mineral water, you'll have to pay.
  • Tipping is not expected from you unless you go to really upper-scale place (and even then it's optional). Do it if you really like the place (usually leave them the change). Even if you like the place you don't have to do it.
  • Usually a simple gesture when the waiter is looking around should flag them down if you need.

Restaurants I like

  • Chez Papa: From the South West part of France; multiple restaurants in town. I recommend the "super papa salad"
  • La créole: From the French Caribbean islands
  • Petit Josselin: In Montparnasse, the "Britton" town. Eat Crêpes/Galette. Consider drinking Cider (The Apple wine; not the soda :p) or Lait ribot (Some kind of yoghurt/milk). If it's full, others restaurants around might do the same.
  • L'Alivi: Corsican restaurant.
  • East Mama: Italian restaurant... Yes I know it's not french but it's worth it. Don't mind the hipsters, it's genuinely good. Best pizza I ate, ever. Yes I travelled to Italia. Go before the openning or you'll never get in. Not a pizzeria but they also opened Pink Mama, and I heard lots of good things about it.
  • La Fourmie Ailée: French
  • Nos Ancètres Les Gaulois: Probably more famous for the atmosphere than the food...
  • Les tontons (boeuf tartare is a must)
  • Le chat perché: It's ... fun :D

Other dishes I like:

  • Confit de Canard
  • Fondue & raclette (best made at home...)
  • Andouillette
  • Boeuf bourguinon
  • All kinds of roasted meat/steak should do
  • Lapin à la moutarde (Rabbit in mustard sauce)
  • Cheese
  • [TODO]

Don't hesitate to stop in a bakery and ask a sandwich for lunch if you are hungry. Best go in thoses whith the most people :p


  • If you pass by Montparnasse you MUST purchase cannelés inside the station (Baillardrans).
  • Go to any bakery and ask one of the following: Pain au chocolat, Pain au Raisin, Croissant, Chouquette, éclair, ... Or ask anything you see and like.
  • Berthillon: Ice cream. Go. Even by winter, it's fine. Most shops are around l'Ile Saint Louis.

Days trips


Easy to reach from Paris, beautiful castle; nice (giantic) gardens.

  • The next ones are less famous but could be considered *


A medieval city. Has a nice festival by summer once a year


Rest of france

Mont saint michel

Might be doable in a day trip. If you are staying long, consider going to Cancales (and eat oysters), then Saint Malo/Dinard.


If you have any suggestion for improvement, something you liked, something I shoudl add... tell me :)

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