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Created May 3, 2015 14:17
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from lxml import html
import requests
from difflib import unified_diff
import pynma
P = pynma.PyNMA('')
def parse(name, url, xpath, url_base=''):
tree = html.fromstring(requests.get(url).content)
elems = tree.xpath(xpath)
output = ""
for elem in elems:
output += printElems(elem, url_base)
with open('{}.txt'.format(name), 'r') as f:
old_output = f.readlines()
diff = unified_diff(output.splitlines(keepends=True), old_output)
if (''.join(diff) != ''):
P.push("KIT Scraper", "New: {}".format(name), ''.join(diff))
with open('{}.txt'.format(name), 'w') as f:
def printElems(elem, url_base=''):
output = ""
if elem.text is not None:
output += elem.text + '\n'
if len(elem.values()) > 0 and 'pdf' in elem.values()[0]:
output += url_base + elem.values()[0] + '\n'
for child in elem.getchildren():
output += printElems(child, url_base)
return output
parse('numerik', '', '//a[contains(text(), "Übungsblatt")]')
parse('lina', '', '//a[contains(text(), "Übungsblatt")]')
parse('ro', '', '//tr[@bgcolor="#fff5a9"]/td/p', url_base='')
ITI_XPATH = '//h2[text() = "Ablauf" or text() = "Übungsblätter"]/following-sibling::ul[position()=1]/li'
ITI_URLS = ['algo-sose15', 'sic-sose15']
for url in ITI_URLS:
parse(url, '{}/index.php?id={}'.format(ITI_HOST, url), ITI_XPATH, ITI_HOST)
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