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Last active October 2, 2023 21:43
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A SurrealDB driver with export and import capability
A (very hacky!) surreal db driver with export/import capability!
I had a lot of fun making this! It's for an angular project I'm working on as a hobby.
I am by no means a professional, so feedback and suggestions are welcome.
Let me know if you have any questions!
After injecting the service:
constructor(private surreal: SurrealService)
You can construct queries like this, returned as an observable: (This is just a simple example)
.where('age > 10')
.orderBy([{ field: 'name', direction: 'ASC'}])
.subscribe(values => console.log(values))
It also constructs transactions, returned as an observable:
.set(, eventObj)
.doc('timeline', 'timeOfTimelineEvent')
.where(`typeOfTimelineEvent = "end" && user = ${}`)
.orderBy({field: 'timeOfTimelineEvent', direction: 'DESC'})
.merge(, '{time: $last, lastUpdated: time::now()}')
The real exciting thing for me to make was a way to export/import my database from code,
and with SurrealDB it was really simple. It basically just takes the info from the 'INFO FOR DB' command
and uses the values to generate a query to return all the definitions and records into a single json file.
I also set up a google cloud function to make daily backups and save them to firebase storage, neatly divided into folders by month.
import {Injectable, Injector} from '@angular/core'
import {map, switchMap, take} from 'rxjs/operators'
import {combineLatest, EMPTY, from, Observable, of, ReplaySubject, Subscription} from 'rxjs'
import Surreal from 'surrealdb.js'
import * as dayjs from 'dayjs'
import {saveAs} from 'file-saver'
type queryVar = `${'$'}${string}`
interface ISubfield {
parentField: string
fieldType: 'arr' | 'obj'
childFields: string[]
export interface ITableDef {
name: string
def: string
records: any[]
export interface IOrder {
field: string
direction: 'ASC' | 'DESC'
export interface IDatabase {
tables: {name: string; def: string; records: any[]}[]
scopes: string[]
providedIn: 'root'
export class SurrealService {
db = new Surreal('endpoint-here')
constructor() {}
async rootSignIn(password: string, ns: string, db: string) {
await this.db.signin({user: 'root', pass: password})
await this.db.use(ns, db)
async signIn(id: string, namespace: string, database: string, scope: string) {
let token = await this.db.signin({NS: namespace, DB: database, SC: scope, id})
await this.db.use(namespace, database)
signup() {}
// Creates a random id
createId(table: string) {
return table + ':' + crypto.randomUUID().replace(/-/g, '').substring(0, 20)
// Returns a new instance of the query builder class
from(tableOrId: string = '', fields: string | string[] = ['*']) {
return new query(tableOrId, fields, this.db)
// Returns a new instance of the query builder class and configures it to return a single record
doc(tableOrId: string = '', fields: string | string[] = ['*']) {
return new query(tableOrId, fields, this.db, 'obj')
// Returns a new instance of the transaction builder
trans() {
return new transaction(this.db)
// Runs a query and maps the response to just the result
run$<T>(queryText) {
return from(this.db.query(queryText)).pipe(
map((result) => {
return result[0]['result']
) as Observable<T>
// Runs a query without mapping the response
runVanillaCommand$<T>(queryText) {
return from(this.db.query(queryText)).pipe(take(1)) as Observable<T>
// Sets or overwrites a record
set$(id: string, object: any) {
return from(this.db.update(id, object).catch((err) => console.log(err))).pipe(take(1))
// Merges contents into a record
merge$(id: string, data: any): Observable<any> {
if (!id.includes(':')) {
// id shouldn't be a table.
// @ts-ignore
return from(this.db.change(id, data).catch((err) => console.log(err))).pipe(take(1))
// Moves a record to another table (the default is the 'trash' table which should be defined before running this...)
move$(id: string, toTable: string = 'trash', userId: string) {
UPDATE ${id} SET moveInfo = { "oldId": ${id}, "timeMoved": time::now(), "movedBy": ${userId}};
LET $doc = (SELECT * FROM ${id});
INSERT INTO ${toTable} $doc;
DELETE ${id};
delete(id) {$(`DELETE ${id}`).subscribe()
async export(fileName: `${string}${'.json'}`, ns: string, db: string) {
await this.db.use(ns, db)
// Get info to parse$('INFO FOR DB')
map((info) => {
// Tables (no records for now):
// For each table defined in 'info', map the name and definition to an object
let tables = Object.entries(info['tb']).map(([key, value]: [string, string]) => {
return {name: key, def: value, records: []}
// Scope definition:
// For each scope defined in 'info', map the definition to a string
let scopeDefs = Object.values(info['sc'] as string)
// return the mapped tables and scopes as a single object (referred to as 'db' further down)
return {tables: tables, scopes: scopeDefs} as IDatabase
switchMap((db) => {
// create a blank transaction
let transaction = this.trans()
// For each table in the new db object, add a line to the transaction: (SELECT * FROM [tablename];)
db.tables.forEach((table: ITableDef) => {
transaction.query('SELECT * FROM ' +
// send the db object and transaction object down the stream as observables
return combineLatest([of(db),$()])
map(([db, allTablesAndRecords]) => {
// insert records arrays retrieved from the transactions into each table object
db.tables =, index) => {
return {...table, records: allTablesAndRecords[index].result as any[]}
return db
.subscribe((db) => {
// download the file in the browser
let blob = new Blob([JSON.stringify(db)], {type: 'application/json'})
saveAs(blob, fileName)
async import(json: string, ns: string, db: string) {
await this.db.use(ns, db)
// Make sure json is valid
if (this.isJson(json)) {
// convert json to IDatabase object
let db = JSON.parse(json) as IDatabase
// Create new empty transaction builder
let transaction = this.trans()
// Create lines in transaction to define scopes in new database
db.scopes.forEach((scopeDef) => transaction.query(scopeDef))
// Create lines in transaction to define tables in new database
db.tables.forEach((table) => transaction.query(table.def))
// Create lines in transaction to insert records into new database
db.tables.forEach((table) => transaction.query(`INSERT INTO ${} ${JSON.stringify(table.records)};`))
// Run the transaction to import the data!$().subscribe()
isJson(str) {
try {
} catch (e) {
return false
return true
class query {
#tableOrIdText = ''
#fieldsArr: string | string[] = ['*']
#subFieldsArr: ISubfield[] = []
#searchText = ''
#fieldsToSearch: string | string[] = ''
#orderByArr: IOrder | IOrder[]
#whereArr: string[] = []
#fetchArr: string | string[] = ''
#limitNum: number = undefined
#startNum: number = undefined
#log: string
#type: 'obj' | 'arr'
#return: string
tableOrId: string,
fields: string | string[] = ['*'],
private db: Surreal,
type: 'obj' | 'arr' = 'arr'
) {
this.#tableOrIdText = tableOrId
this.#fieldsArr = fields
this.#type = type
// constructs a subquery when you only want to return specific fields from a linked record.
// For example, it constructs the following part between the parenthesis:
// SELECT id, (SELECT first, last FROM $ LIMIT 1) FROM user:123
subField(parentField: string, fieldType: 'arr' | 'obj', childFields: string[] = ['*']) {
this.#subFieldsArr.push({parentField, fieldType, childFields})
return this
// Search text
search(text: string, fields: string | string[]) {
this.#searchText = text
this.#fieldsToSearch = fields
return this
// Make sure to put double quotes around strings!
where(textArr: string | string[]) {
// If called multiple times, you need to build the array out.
if (this.#whereArr.length === 0) {
if (Array.isArray(textArr)) {
this.#whereArr = textArr
} else if (textArr) {
} else {
if (Array.isArray(textArr)) {
} else if (textArr) {
return this
orderBy(order: IOrder | IOrder[]) {
this.#orderByArr = order
return this
limit(number: number) {
this.#limitNum = number
return this
start(number: number) {
this.#startNum = number
return this
fetch(fields: string[] | string) {
this.#fetchArr = fields
return this
return(text: string) {
this.#return = text
return this
log(componentLocation: string) {
this.#log = componentLocation
return this
asString(): string {
return this.#generateQuery()
asObservable<T>() {
return from(this.db.query(this.#generateQuery())).pipe(
map((result) => {
return this.#type === 'arr' ? result[0]['result'] : result[0]['result'][0]
) as Observable<T>
subscribe<T>(fn: any): Subscription {
return from(this.db.query(this.#generateQuery())).pipe(
map((result) => {
return this.#type === 'arr' ? result[0]['result'] : result[0]['result'][0]
#createList(array: string[], separator: string): string {
return array.reduce((wholeString, field, i) => {
// If there are multiple fields, you need to add a comma in front of the second one onwards.
let comma = i > 0 ? separator : ''
return wholeString + comma + field
}, '')
#convertToStringArray(thing: any): string[] {
return typeof thing === 'string' ? [thing] : thing
#generateQuery() {
return this.#generator(
tableOrId: string,
fields: string | string[] = ['*'],
subFields: ISubfield[] = [],
searchText: string = '',
fieldsToSearch: string | string[] = [],
where: string | string[] = [],
orderBy: IOrder | IOrder[],
limit: string | number = '',
start: string | number = '',
fetchFields: string | string[] = [],
log: string,
type: 'obj' | 'arr',
_return: string
) {
fields = this.#convertToStringArray(fields)
fieldsToSearch = this.#convertToStringArray(fieldsToSearch)
where = this.#convertToStringArray(where)
fetchFields = this.#convertToStringArray(fetchFields)
let fieldsQuery = this.#createList(fields, ', ')
subFields.forEach((field) => {
let txt1 = field.fieldType === 'arr' ? '.*' : ''
let txt2 = field.fieldType === 'arr' ? '' : 'LIMIT 1'
fieldsQuery =
fieldsQuery +
`, (SELECT ${this.#createList(field.childFields, ', ')} FROM $parent.${field.parentField}${txt1} ${txt2}) AS ${
let searchQuery = ''
if (searchText && fieldsToSearch.length > 0) {
searchQuery =
fieldsToSearch.reduce((wholeString, field, i) => {
return wholeString + `, string::trim(string::lowercase(${field}))`
}, ' WHERE string::join(" "') + `) CONTAINS string::lowercase('${searchText}')`
let whereQuery = ''
if (where[0] !== '' && where.length > 0) {
whereQuery =
searchQuery === ''
? ' WHERE (' + this.#createList(where, ' AND ') + ')'
: ' AND (' + this.#createList(where, ' AND ') + ')'
let orderByQuery = ''
if (orderBy) {
if (orderBy['field']) {
orderByQuery = ' ORDER BY ' + orderBy['field'] + ' ' + orderBy['direction']
} else {
orderByQuery =
' ORDER BY ' +
(orderBy as IOrder[]).map((ord) => ord.field + ' ' + ord.direction),
', '
if (limit === 0) {
limit = ''
} else if (limit) {
limit = ' LIMIT ' + limit
if (type === 'obj') limit = ' LIMIT 1'
if (start) {
start = ' START ' + start
} else {
start = ''
let fetchQuery = ''
if (fetchFields[0] !== '' && fetchFields.length > 0) {
fetchQuery = ' FETCH ' + this.#createList(fetchFields, ', ')
let returnQuery = ''
if (_return) {
returnQuery = _return
const queryText =
fieldsQuery +
' FROM ' +
tableOrId +
searchQuery +
whereQuery +
orderByQuery +
limit +
start +
fetchQuery +
returnQuery +
if (log) console.log(`(${log}) ${queryText}`)
return queryText
class transaction {
#log = ''
constructor(private db: Surreal) {}
#addLine(line: string) {
this.#allText =
this.#allText +
var(name: queryVar, query: string) {
// If query builder is used, it will add a semicolon at the end, but that should be removed in a subquery
if (query[query.length - 1] === ';') {
query = query.substring(0, query.length - 1)
this.#addLine(`LET ${name} = (${query});`)
return this
set(id: string, thing: object | string) {
if (typeof thing === 'string') {
this.#addLine(`UPDATE ${id} CONTENT ${thing};`)
} else {
this.#addLine(`UPDATE ${id} CONTENT ${JSON.stringify(thing)};`)
return this
merge(id: string, thing: object | string) {
if (!id.includes(':')) {
// id shouldn't be a table.
// @ts-ignore
if (typeof thing === 'string') {
this.#addLine(`UPDATE ${id} MERGE ${thing};`)
} else {
this.#addLine(`UPDATE ${id} MERGE ${JSON.stringify(thing)};`)
return this
if(condition: string, thenQuery: string, elseQuery?: string) {
this.#addLine('IF ' + condition)
if (thenQuery[thenQuery.length - 1] === ';') {
thenQuery = thenQuery.substring(0, thenQuery.length - 1)
this.#addLine('THEN (' + thenQuery + ')')
if (elseQuery) {
if (elseQuery[elseQuery.length - 1] === ';') {
elseQuery = elseQuery.substring(0, elseQuery.length - 1)
this.#addLine('ELSE (' + elseQuery + ')')
return this
query(text: string) {
this.#addLine(text + ';')
return this
move(docId: string, userId: string) {
let now = dayjs().format('YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss')
this.#addLine(`UPDATE ${docId} SET moveInfo = { "oldId": ${docId}, "timeMoved": "${now}", "movedBy": ${userId}};
LET $doc = (SELECT * FROM ${docId});
INSERT INTO trash $doc;
DELETE ${docId};`)
return this
define(what: 'SCOPE' | 'TABLE', name: string, definition: string) {
this.#addLine(`DEFINE ${what} ${name} ${definition};`)
return this
log(text: string) {
this.#log = text
return this
test() {
this.#allText =
this.#allText +
run$() {
this.#allText =
this.#allText +
if (this.#log) {
console.log('(' + this.#log + ')', this.#allText)
return from(this.db.query(this.#allText)).pipe(
import {combineLatest, firstValueFrom, from, map, Observable, of, switchMap, take} from 'rxjs';
import * as functions from 'firebase-functions';
import 'firebase-functions';
import * as stream from 'stream';
import * as dayjs from 'dayjs';
const {storage, db} = require('./../admin');
exports.backup = functions
.runWith({secrets: ['secret-here']})
.pubsub.schedule('00 12 * * *')
.onRun(async () => {
await exportDatabase('test', 'test');
interface ITableDef {
name: string;
def: string;
records: any[];
interface IDatabase {
tables: {name: string; def: string; records: any[]}[];
scopes: string[];
async function exportDatabase(namespace: string, database: string) {
await db.signin({
user: 'root',
pass: process.env.secret-here
await db.use(namespace, database);
const jsonString = await getDatabaseAsJson$();
const folder = 'database-backups/' + dayjs().format('YYYY-MM') + '/';
const fileName = namespace + '-' + database + '-backup-' + dayjs().format('YYYY-MM-DD');
const filePath = folder + fileName;
const passthroughStream = new stream.PassThrough();
async function getDatabaseAsJson$(): Promise<string> {
// Get info to parse
return firstValueFrom(
query$('INFO FOR DB').pipe(
map((info: any) => {
// Tables (no records for now):
// For each table defined in 'info', map the name and definition to an object
const tables = Object.entries(info['tb']).map(([key, value]) => {
return {name: key, def: value, records: []};
// Scope definition:
// For each scope defined in 'info', map the definition to a string
const scopeDefs = Object.values(info['sc'] as string);
// return the mapped tables and scopes as a single object (referred to as 'db' further down)
return {tables: tables, scopes: scopeDefs} as IDatabase;
switchMap((db) => {
// create a blank transaction
const trans = new Transaction();
db.tables.forEach((table: ITableDef) => {
// For each table in the new db object, add a line to the transaction: ('SELECT * FROM [tablename];')
trans.query('SELECT * FROM ' +;
// send the db object and transaction object down the stream
return combineLatest([of(db),$() as Observable<any>]);
map(([db, allTablesAndRecords]) => {
// insert records arrays retrieved from the transacations into each table object
db.tables =, index) => {
return {...table, records: allTablesAndRecords[index].result as any[]};
return JSON.stringify(db);
function query$(queryText: string) {
return from(db.query(queryText)).pipe(
map((result: any) => result[0]['result']),
class Transaction {
#addLine(line: string) {
this.#allText =
this.#allText +
query(text: string) {
this.#addLine(text + ';');
return this;
run$() {
this.#allText =
this.#allText +
return from(db.query(this.#allText));
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