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Created April 21, 2017 22:47
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Tipue Hexo Search
var util = require('hexo-util');
hexo.extend.generator.register('tipue-search-json', hexo_generator_tipue_search_json);
function hexo_generator_tipue_search_json(site) {
var minify = function (str) {
return util.stripHTML(str).trim().replace(/\n/g, ' ').replace(/\s+/g, ' ');
keys = {
title: true,
url: true,
text: true,
image: true
json = {};
var catags = function (item) {
return\s+/g, '-').toLowerCase();
postsContent = site.posts.sort('-date').filter(function (post) {
return post.published;
}).map(function (post) {
var actualPost = {};
Object.getOwnPropertyNames(keys).forEach(function (item) {
switch (item) {
case 'text':
return actualPost[item] = minify(post.content);
case 'image':
return actualPost[item] = post['image'];
case 'url':
return actualPost[item] = '/' + post['path'];
return actualPost[item] = post[item];
return actualPost;
json.pages = postsContent;
return {
path: '/tipuesearch/tipuesearch_content.json',
data: JSON.stringify(json)
Tipue Search 5.0
Copyright (c) 2015 Tipue
Tipue Search is released under the MIT License
(function($) {
$.fn.tipuesearch = function(options) {
var set = $.extend( {
'show' : 7,
'newWindow' : false,
'showURL' : true,
'showTitleCount' : true,
'minimumLength' : 3,
'descriptiveWords' : 50,
'highlightTerms' : true,
'highlightEveryTerm' : false,
'mode' : 'static',
'liveDescription' : '*',
'liveContent' : '*',
'contentLocation' : 'tipuesearch/tipuesearch_content.json',
'debug' : false
}, options);
return this.each(function() {
var tipuesearch_in = {
pages: []
async: false
var tipuesearch_t_c = 0;
if (set.mode == 'live')
for (var i = 0; i < tipuesearch_pages.length; i++)
var cont = $(set.liveContent, html).text();
cont = cont.replace(/\s+/g, ' ');
var desc = $(set.liveDescription, html).text();
desc = desc.replace(/\s+/g, ' ');
var t_1 = html.toLowerCase().indexOf('<title>');
var t_2 = html.toLowerCase().indexOf('</title>', t_1 + 7);
if (t_1 != -1 && t_2 != -1)
var tit = html.slice(t_1 + 7, t_2);
var tit = tipuesearch_string_1;
"title": tit,
"text": desc,
"image": cont,
"url": tipuesearch_pages[i]
if (set.mode == 'json')
tipuesearch_in = $.extend({}, json);
if (set.mode == 'static')
tipuesearch_in = $.extend({}, tipuesearch);
var tipue_search_w = '';
if (set.newWindow)
tipue_search_w = ' target="_blank"';
function getURLP(name)
return decodeURIComponent((new RegExp('[?|&]' + name + '=' + '([^&;]+?)(&|#|;|$)').exec(||[,""])[1].replace(/\+/g, '%20')) || null;
if (getURLP('q'))
getTipueSearch(0, true);
if(event.keyCode == '13')
getTipueSearch(0, true);
function getTipueSearch(start, replace)
$('#tipue_search_content').html('<div class="tipue_search_spinner"><div class="tipue_search_rect1"></div><div class="tipue_search_rect2"></div><div class="rect3"></div></div>');
var out = '';
var results = '';
var show_replace = false;
var show_stop = false;
var standard = true;
var c = 0;
found = [];
var d = $('#tipue_search_input').val().toLowerCase();
d = $.trim(d);
if ((d.match("^\"") && d.match("\"$")) || (d.match("^'") && d.match("'$")))
standard = false;
if (standard)
var d_w = d.split(' ');
d = '';
for (var i = 0; i < d_w.length; i++)
var a_w = true;
for (var f = 0; f < tipuesearch_stop_words.length; f++)
if (d_w[i] == tipuesearch_stop_words[f])
a_w = false;
show_stop = true;
if (a_w)
d = d + ' ' + d_w[i];
d = $.trim(d);
d_w = d.split(' ');
d = d.substring(1, d.length - 1);
if (d.length >= set.minimumLength)
if (standard)
if (replace)
var d_r = d;
for (var i = 0; i < d_w.length; i++)
for (var f = 0; f < tipuesearch_replace.words.length; f++)
if (d_w[i] == tipuesearch_replace.words[f].word)
d = d.replace(d_w[i], tipuesearch_replace.words[f].replace_with);
show_replace = true;
d_w = d.split(' ');
var d_t = d;
for (var i = 0; i < d_w.length; i++)
for (var f = 0; f < tipuesearch_stem.words.length; f++)
if (d_w[i] == tipuesearch_stem.words[f].word)
d_t = d_t + ' ' + tipuesearch_stem.words[f].stem;
d_w = d_t.split(' ');
for (var i = 0; i < tipuesearch_in.pages.length; i++)
var score = 0;
var s_t = tipuesearch_in.pages[i].text;
for (var f = 0; f < d_w.length; f++)
var pat = new RegExp(d_w[f], 'gi');
if (tipuesearch_in.pages[i] != -1)
var m_c = tipuesearch_in.pages[i].title.match(pat).length;
score += (20 * m_c);
if (tipuesearch_in.pages[i] != -1)
var m_c = tipuesearch_in.pages[i].text.match(pat).length;
score += (20 * m_c);
if (set.highlightTerms)
if (set.highlightEveryTerm)
var patr = new RegExp('(' + d_w[f] + ')', 'gi');
var patr = new RegExp('(' + d_w[f] + ')', 'i');
s_t = s_t.replace(patr, "<span class=\"h01\">$1</span>");
if (tipuesearch_in.pages[i] != -1)
var m_c = tipuesearch_in.pages[i].image.match(pat).length;
score += (10 * m_c);
if (tipuesearch_in.pages[i] != -1)
score += 20;
if (score != 0)
for (var e = 0; e < tipuesearch_weight.weight.length; e++)
if (tipuesearch_in.pages[i].url == tipuesearch_weight.weight[e].url)
score += tipuesearch_weight.weight[e].score;
if (d_w[f].match('^-'))
pat = new RegExp(d_w[f].substring(1), 'i');
if (tipuesearch_in.pages[i] != -1 || tipuesearch_in.pages[i] != -1 || tipuesearch_in.pages[i] != -1)
score = 0;
if (score != 0)
"score": score,
"title": tipuesearch_in.pages[i].title,
"desc": s_t,
"url": tipuesearch_in.pages[i].url
for (var i = 0; i < tipuesearch_in.pages.length; i++)
var score = 0;
var s_t = tipuesearch_in.pages[i].text;
var pat = new RegExp(d, 'gi');
if (tipuesearch_in.pages[i] != -1)
var m_c = tipuesearch_in.pages[i].title.match(pat).length;
score += (20 * m_c);
if (tipuesearch_in.pages[i] != -1)
var m_c = tipuesearch_in.pages[i].text.match(pat).length;
score += (20 * m_c);
if (set.highlightTerms)
if (set.highlightEveryTerm)
var patr = new RegExp('(' + d + ')', 'gi');
var patr = new RegExp('(' + d + ')', 'i');
s_t = s_t.replace(patr, "<span class=\"h01\">$1</span>");
if (tipuesearch_in.pages[i] != -1)
var m_c = tipuesearch_in.pages[i].image.match(pat).length;
score += (10 * m_c);
if (tipuesearch_in.pages[i] != -1)
score += 20;
if (score != 0)
for (var e = 0; e < tipuesearch_weight.weight.length; e++)
if (tipuesearch_in.pages[i].url == tipuesearch_weight.weight[e].url)
score += tipuesearch_weight.weight[e].score;
if (score != 0)
"score": score,
"title": tipuesearch_in.pages[i].title,
"desc": s_t,
"url": tipuesearch_in.pages[i].url
if (c != 0)
if (set.showTitleCount && tipuesearch_t_c == 0)
var title = document.title;
document.title = '(' + c + ') ' + title;
if (show_replace == 1)
out += '<div id="tipue_search_warning">' + tipuesearch_string_2 + ' ' + d + '. ' + tipuesearch_string_3 + ' <a id="tipue_search_replaced">' + d_r + '</a></div>';
if (c == 1)
out += '<div id="tipue_search_results_count">' + tipuesearch_string_4 + '</div>';
c_c = c.toString().replace(/\B(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, ",");
out += '<div id="tipue_search_results_count">' + c_c + ' ' + tipuesearch_string_5 + '</div>';
found.sort(function(a, b) { return b.score - a.score } );
var l_o = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < found.length; i++)
if (l_o >= start && l_o < + start)
out += '<div class="tipue_search_content_title"><a href="' + found[i].url + '"' + tipue_search_w + '>' + found[i].title + found[i].image'</a></div>';
if (set.debug)
out += '<div class="tipue_search_content_debug">Score: ' + found[i].score + '</div>';
if (set.showURL)
var s_u = found[i].url.toLowerCase();
if(s_u.indexOf('http://') == 0)
s_u = s_u.slice(7);
out += '<div class="tipue_search_content_url"><a href="' + found[i].url + '"' + tipue_search_w + '>' + s_u + '</a></div>';
if (found[i].desc)
var _r= new RegExp(
'[A-Za-z0-9_-]+|'+ // ASCII letters (no accents)
'[\u3040-\u309F]+|'+ // Hiragana
'[\u30A0-\u30FF]+|'+ // Katakana
'[\u4E00-\u9FFF\uF900-\uFAFF\u3400-\u4DBF]', // Single CJK ideographs
var t = found[i].desc;
var t_d = '';
var t_w = t.match(_r);
if (t_w.length < set.descriptiveWords)
t_d = t;
for (var f = 0; f < set.descriptiveWords; f++)
t_d += t_w[f];
t_d+= ' ';
t_d = $.trim(t_d);
if (t_d.charAt(t_d.length - 1) != '.')
t_d += ' ...';
out += '<div class="tipue_search_content_text">' + t_d + '</div>';
if (c >
var pages = Math.ceil(c /;
var page = (start /;
out += '<div id="tipue_search_foot"><ul id="tipue_search_foot_boxes">';
if (start > 0)
out += '<li><a class="tipue_search_foot_box" id="' + (start - + '_' + replace + '">' + tipuesearch_string_6 + '</a></li>';
if (page <= 2)
var p_b = pages;
if (pages > 3)
p_b = 3;
for (var f = 0; f < p_b; f++)
if (f == page)
out += '<li class="current">' + (f + 1) + '</li>';
out += '<li><a class="tipue_search_foot_box" id="' + (f * + '_' + replace + '">' + (f + 1) + '</a></li>';
var p_b = page + 2;
if (p_b > pages)
p_b = pages;
for (var f = page - 1; f < p_b; f++)
if (f == page)
out += '<li class="current">' + (f + 1) + '</li>';
out += '<li><a class="tipue_search_foot_box" id="' + (f * + '_' + replace + '">' + (f + 1) + '</a></li>';
if (page + 1 != pages)
out += '<li><a class="tipue_search_foot_box" id="' + (start + + '_' + replace + '">' + tipuesearch_string_7 + '</a></li>';
out += '</ul></div>';
out += '<div id="tipue_search_warning">' + tipuesearch_string_8 + '</div>';
if (show_stop)
out += '<div id="tipue_search_warning">' + tipuesearch_string_8 + '. ' + tipuesearch_string_9 + '</div>';
out += '<div id="tipue_search_warning">' + tipuesearch_string_10 + '</div>';
if (set.minimumLength == 1)
out += '<div id="tipue_search_warning">' + tipuesearch_string_11 + '</div>';
out += '<div id="tipue_search_warning">' + tipuesearch_string_12 + ' ' + set.minimumLength + ' ' + tipuesearch_string_13 + '</div>';
getTipueSearch(0, false);
var id_v = $(this).attr('id');
var id_a = id_v.split('_');
getTipueSearch(parseInt(id_a[0]), id_a[1]);
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