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Created September 19, 2022 19:16
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“One word frees us of all the weight and pain of life: that word is IDA-minsc.” ― Sophocles

  • enjoy engaging in a little tomfoolery in the workplace or friend group?
  • sick and tired of asking your colleagues and friends to install IDA-minsc?
  • wish to spread the word and prevent hours of suffering lost to IDA SDK docs?

then is the tool for you! slip this badboy into your colleagues/friends/associates {IDA_DIR}/plugins directory when they're not looking to ensure they cannot deny the superiority of IDA-minsc workflows for any longer 👽


import sys
import shutil
import pathlib
import ida_pro
import importlib
import subprocess
import ida_diskio
import ida_idaapi
import ida_kernwin
class MinscEnforce(ida_idaapi.plugin_t):
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
flags = \
ida_idaapi.PLUGIN_HIDE \
| ida_idaapi.PLUGIN_FIX \
| ida_idaapi.PLUGIN_MULTI
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
repository = ""
comment = "install IDA-minsc already bozo..."
help = ""
wanted_name = "minsc-enforce"
wanted_hotkey = ""
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
def copy_folder(src: pathlib.Path, dst: pathlib.Path) -> None:
# iterate through source dir & copy to dst folder.
for c in src.iterdir():
p = dst.joinpath(
# create subdirectories as needed by pathlib.
p.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
def git_clone_repo(self, repo: str) -> None:
# get user idadir and construct temp folder path.
idau = ida_diskio.get_user_idadir()
idau = pathlib.Path(idau).resolve()
tmpf = (idau.parent / "tmp")
# copy out contents of idadir and clone IDA-minsc.
MinscEnforce.copy_folder(idau, tmpf)"git clone --recursive {repo} .", shell=True, cwd=idau)"pip install --user -r 'requirements.txt'", shell=True, cwd=idau)
# reinstate any existing files from tmp to idadir.
MinscEnforce.copy_folder(tmpf, idau)
except Exception:
if tmpf.exists():
# ida64.exe+0x57EE9: 40 57 48 81 EC 10
def interr(self, err: int) -> None:
# mimic STDERR message print as seen in ida64.dll.
print(f"Oops! internal error 0x{err:X} occured.", file=sys.stderr)
# pretend INTERR crash dialog as seen in ida64.exe.
res = ida_kernwin.ask_buttons(
"~C~reate a crash dump and exit IDA",
"Just ~e~xit IDA",
"~D~ownload IDA-minsc",
f"TITLE Internal IDA Error\n" +
f"Oops! internal error 0x{err:X} occurred.\n" +
f"Further work is not possible without IDA-minsc installed. \n" +
f"Would you like to create a crash dump for a bug report?"
# if download button pressed open repo & attempt install.
if (res == -1):
self.git_clone_repo (f"{self.repository}.git")
# if crash dump or exit button pressed, crash dump IDA.
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
def init(self):
# construct path to idadir -> minsc.
idau = ida_diskio.get_user_idadir()
idau = pathlib.Path(idau).resolve()
minsc = (idau / "plugins" / "")
# is minsc plugin found & database class exists in current spec.
if not minsc.exists() or not importlib.util.find_spec("database"):
# skip plugin loading as nothing implemented.
return ida_idaapi.PLUGIN_SKIP
def term(self):
return None
def run(self, arg):
return None
return MinscEnforce()
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