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Created December 8, 2019 04:39
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Alternative Solution to Advent of Code 2019 Day. I felt since consequent are using IntCode programs, this solution is more extensible.
let puzzleInput =
|> List.mapi (fun i v -> (i, v))
|> Map.ofList
let getOpCodeAction : int -> (int -> int -> int) option = function
| 1 -> Some (+)
| 2 -> Some (*)
| _ -> None
let rec runInstructions ip program =
match Map.tryFind ip program with
Some opCode ->
match opCode with
| 99 -> Some program
| code ->
let v1 = Map.tryFind (ip + 1) program
let v1Pos = v1 |> Option.bind (fun v -> Map.tryFind v program)
let v2 = Map.tryFind (ip + 2) program
let v2Pos = v2 |> Option.bind (fun v -> Map.tryFind v program)
let v3Pos = Map.tryFind (ip + 3) program
let action = getOpCodeAction code
match action, v1Pos, v2Pos, v3Pos with
| Some a, Some _v1, Some v2', Some v3Pos' ->
let newValue = a _v1 v2'
runInstructions (ip + 4) (Map.add v3Pos' newValue program)
| _ -> None
| None -> Some program
let solve noun verb =
Map.add 1 noun
>> Map.add 2 verb
>> runInstructions 0
>> Option.bind (Map.tryFind 0)
printfn "Part 1: %A" <| solve 12 2 puzzleInput
//// Part 2
let formula (noun, verb) = 100 * noun + verb
[1..99] |> List.collect (fun i -> [1..99] |> (fun j -> (i, j)))
|> List.choose (fun (noun, verb) ->
match solve noun verb puzzleInput with
| Some s when s = 19690720 -> Some <| formula (noun, verb)
| _ -> None
|> printfn "Part 2: %A"
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