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Last active May 22, 2019 18:42
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open System
open System.Net
open System.Threading
let main _ =
let url = ""
let (>>=) (asyncBlock: Async<'a>) (f: 'a -> Async<'b>) =
async {
let! v = asyncBlock
return! f v
let (>=>) f g x =
f x >>= g
let getWebResponse () =
async {
let req = WebRequest.Create(Uri(url))
return! req.AsyncGetResponse ()
let readResponseAsString (response: WebResponse) =
async {
use stream = response.GetResponseStream()
use reader = new IO.StreamReader(stream)
return reader.ReadToEnd()
let f =
>=> readResponseAsString
>=> fun s -> async { printfn "%s" s }
>> Async.Start
f ()
getWebResponse () >>= (fun _ -> async { printfn "Ignoring the web response and just printing." }) |> Async.Start
printfn "Where do I print?"
Thread.Sleep 1000000 // Don't kill the main program thread while we are doing the async stuff
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