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Last active May 3, 2024 17:39
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[Apple Cacheing commands]
# On client, test caching server availability
# View log
log show --predicate 'subsystem == ""'
log stream --predicate 'subsystem == ""'
# Display content cache settings
AssetCacheManagerUtil settings
# Display content cache status.
AssetCacheManagerUtil status
# Find out whether content caching is on.
AssetCacheManagerUtil isActivated
# Find out whether content caching can be turned on.
AssetCacheManagerUtil canActivate
# Import an existing cache from another computer.
sudo AssetCacheManagerUtil absorbCacheFrom /Volumes/SomeVolume/Library/Application\ Support/Apple/AssetCache/Data read-only
# Move an existing cache to another computer.
sudo AssetCacheManagerUtil moveCacheTo /Volumes/SomeVolume/Library/Application\ Support/Apple/AssetCache/Data
# Reload the content cache settings.
sudo AssetCacheManagerUtil reloadSettings
# Remove all cached content.
sudo AssetCacheManagerUtil flushCache
# Remove all cached iCloud content.
sudo AssetCacheManagerUtil flushPersonalCache
# Remove all cached shared (non-iCloud) content.
sudo AssetCacheManagerUtil flushSharedCache
# Turn off content caching.
sudo AssetCacheManagerUtil deactivate
# Turn on content caching.
sudo AssetCacheManagerUtil activate
sudo -u _assetcache defaults write /Library/Preferences/ DownloadMinRate -int 1000
sudo -u _assetcache defaults write /Library/Preferences/ DownloadTimeout -int 300
sudo -u _assetcache defaults write /Library/Preferences/ OriginDownloadTimeout -int 300
sudo -u _assetcache defaults write /Library/Preferences/ PeerNotifyTimeout -int 60
sudo -u _assetcache defaults write /Library/Preferences/ PeerQueryTimeout -int 60
sudo -u _assetcache defaults write /Library/Preferences/ Verbose Yes
sudo AssetCacheManagerUtil reloadSettings
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