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Created July 27, 2023 17:08
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How to locally run the docker image

Build a new docker image

docker build -t

Test the docker image locally

flags -it let you work on the docker image interactively

flags --entrypoint lets you overwrite the Rscript inside the Dockerfile.

docker run -it --entrypoint bash

Within R

> source('try_docker.R', max = Inf, echo = TRUE)

Go into the /inst/ and check the logs and HTMLS

Push to Google Container Registry

docker push

How to test on Kubernetes

gcloud container clusters 
	gke-services --region us-central1 
	--project tl-jvu4eyij9cslnrj0msep

Run your kube cron job on the cluster

kubectl apply -f config.yaml

Delete the cron job IF it doesn't work

kubectl delete cronjob.batch/trreports
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