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Last active February 2, 2018 03:51
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Creating Queries Using the JPQL (Java Persistence Query Language)
package repository;
public interface CandidateProfileRepository
extends BaseRepository<CandidateProfile, Long>, CandidateProfileRepositoryCustom {
package repository;
public interface CandidateProfileRepositoryCustom {
List<FindCandidateProfilesByFullNameAndJobIdAndStage> findCandidateProfilesByFullNameAndJobIdAndStage(String fullName, Long jobId,
Integer stage);
package repository.impl;
import java.util.List;
import javax.persistence.EntityManager;
import javax.persistence.PersistenceContext;
import javax.persistence.TypedQuery;
import repository.CandidateProfileRepositoryCustom;
import dto.FindCandidateProfilesByFullNameAndJobIdAndStage;
public class CandidateProfileRepositoryImpl implements CandidateProfileRepositoryCustom {
private EntityManager em;
public List<FindCandidateProfilesByFullNameAndJobIdAndStage> findCandidateProfilesByFullNameAndJobIdAndStage(
String fullName, Long jobId, Integer stage) {
String sql =
"SELECT new dto.FindCandidateProfilesByFullNameAndJobIdAndStage( "
+ " "
+ ", c.fullName "
+ ", c.resumeUrl "
+ ", j.jobTitle ) "
+ "FROM CandidatePipeline cp "
+ "LEFT JOIN cp.job j "
+ "RIGHT JOIN cp.candidate c "
+ "WHERE c.deleteFlag = false "
+ "AND LOWER(c.fullName) LIKE LOWER(CONCAT('%', IFNULL(:fullName, c.fullName), '%')) ";
// Query for JobId
if (jobId == null) {
// Just get is null
sql += "AND IS NULL ";
} else if (jobId != -1) {
// Get get equal value
sql += "AND = :jobId ";
// Query for stage
if (stage == null) {
// Just get is null
sql += "AND cp.stage IS NULL ";
} else if (stage != -1) {
// Get get equal value
sql += "AND cp.stage =:stage ";
sql += "ORDER BY c.fullName";
TypedQuery<FindCandidateProfilesByFullNameAndJobIdAndStage> query = em.createQuery(sql
, FindCandidateProfilesByFullNameAndJobIdAndStage.class);
query.setParameter("fullName", fullName);
if (jobId != null && jobId != -1) {
query.setParameter("jobId", jobId);
if (stage != null && stage != -1) {
query.setParameter("stage", stage);
return query.getResultList();
package repository.impl;
public class JobRepositoryImpl implements JobRepositoryCustom {
private EntityManager em;
public Page<JobHiringPipelineDTO> getJobsHiringPipeline(Integer status, String jobTitle,
String createDate, Long locationId, Long companyId, String situationType, Pageable pageable) {
String sql =
"SELECT new dto.JobHiringPipelineDTO( "
+ ""
+ ", j.jobTitle"
+ ", j.zipCode"
+ ","
+ ", j.situationType"
+ ", j.createDate"
+ ", COUNT(CASE WHEN cp.stage = " + JobStageConstants.PHONE_SCREEN + " THEN 1 END) "
+ ", COUNT(CASE WHEN cp.stage = " + JobStageConstants.SENT_TO_CLIENT + " THEN 1 END) "
+ ", COUNT(CASE WHEN cp.stage = " + JobStageConstants.INTERVIEW + " THEN 1 END) "
+ ", COUNT(CASE WHEN cp.stage = " + JobStageConstants.OFFER + " THEN 1 END) "
+ ", COUNT(CASE WHEN cp.stage = " + JobStageConstants.HIRED + " THEN 1 END) "
+ ", CONCAT('#', "
+ ", CONCAT('#', "
+ ", CONCAT('#', "
+ ", c.companyName "
+ ", "
+ ") "
+ "FROM CandidatePipeline cp "
+ "RIGHT JOIN cp.job j "
+ "LEFT JOIN c "
+ "LEFT JOIN l "
+ "WHERE j.deleteFlag = false "
+ "AND j.status = IFNULL(:status, j.status) "
+ "AND j.situationType = IFNULL(NULLIF(:situationType, ''), j.situationType) "
+ "AND = IFNULL(:companyId, "
+ "AND UPPER(j.jobTitle) LIKE CONCAT('%', UPPER(IFNULL(:jobTitle, '')), '%') "
+ "AND DATEDIFF(CURRENT_DATE(), DATE_FORMAT(j.createDate, '%Y-%m-%d')) <= IFNULL(NULLIF(:createDate, ''), " + Long.MAX_VALUE + ") ";
// Query for JobId
if (locationId == null) {
// Just get is null
sql += "AND IS NULL ";
} else if (locationId != -1) {
// Get get equal value
sql += "AND = :locationId ";
sql += "GROUP BY, j.jobTitle,, j.situationType, j.createDate";
TypedQuery<JobHiringPipelineDTO> query = em.createQuery(sql
, JobHiringPipelineDTO.class);
query.setParameter("status", status);
query.setParameter("jobTitle", jobTitle);
query.setParameter("createDate", createDate);
query.setParameter("companyId", companyId);
query.setParameter("situationType", situationType);
if (locationId != null && locationId != -1) {
query.setParameter("locationId", locationId);
// Pageable
List<JobHiringPipelineDTO> resultList = query.getResultList();
long total = resultList.size();
return new PageImpl<>(query.getResultList(), pageable, total);
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