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root@kali:~# 🐫Perl

nu11secur1ty nu11secur1ty

root@kali:~# 🐫Perl
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nu11secur1ty /
Created April 16, 2016 14:08 — forked from stephenturner/
Installing gcc 4.8 and Linuxbrew on CentOS 6

Installing gcc 4.8 and Linuxbrew on CentOS 6

The GCC distributed with CentOS 6 is 4.4.7, which is pretty outdated. I'd like to use gcc 4.8+. Also, when trying to install Linuxbrew you run into a dependency loop where Homebrew's gcc depends on zlib, which depends on gcc. Here's how I solved the problem.

Note: Requires sudo privileges.


nu11secur1ty / howto Static eth0 settings on CentOs 6.5
Last active June 15, 2016 06:42
Static eth0 settings on CentOs 6.5
## Configure eth0
# vi /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0
obj-m += rootkit.o
make -C /lib/modules/$(shell uname -r)/build M=$(PWD) modules
make -C /lib/modules/$(shell uname -r)/build M=$(PWD) clean
Attached is the MySQL Windows Remote Exploit (post-auth, udf
technique) including the previously released mass scanner.
The exploit is mirrored at the farlight website
Oracle MySQL on Windows Remote SYSTEM Level Exploit zeroday
All owned By Kingcope
left terms and list operators (leftward)
left ->
nonassoc ++ --
right **
right ! ~ \ and unary + and -
left =~ !~
left * / % x
left + - .
left << >>
nonassoc named unary operators
Using perl:
$ perl -ne 'print if $.>=3 and $.<=5;' /etc/passwd
$ perl -ne 'print if $.>=3; last if $.>5' /etc/passwd
(The second variant is, again, more efficient.)
Using sed:
$ sed -n '3,5p' /etc/passwd

1. What Is Kernel?

A kernel is a central component of an operating system. It acts as an interface between the user applications and the hardware. The sole aim of the kernel is to manage the communication between the software (user level applications) and the hardware (CPU, disk memory etc). The main tasks of the kernel are :

Process management
Device management
Memory management
Interrupt handling

I/O communication


В компютърния свят, ядрото е фундаментална част от операционната система. То е част от софтуера, отговорен за предоставянето на сигурен достъп на програмите до хардуера на машината. Тъй като има много програми и достъпът до хардуера е ограничен, ядрото е също отговорно за решаването кога и колко дълго една програма ще бъде допусната да използва част от хардуера. Осигуряването на директен достъп до хардуера може също така да бъде много сложно, затова ядрата обикновено имплементират серия от хардуерни абстракции. Тези абстракции са начин, чрез който се скрива сложността, и се доставя ясен и непроменлив интерфейс към подлежащия хардуер, което улеснява живота на програмистта. Има четири вида ядра:

Монолитните ядра осигуряват богата и мощна абстракция от хардуера
Микро ядрата осигуряват малка серия от прости хардуерни абстракции и използват програми наречени драйвери, за да се сдобият с повече функционалност

Хибридните ядра са почти като микро ядрата, с изключение на това, че имат повече код в

During an audit the Mikrotik RouterOS sshd (ROSSSH) has been identified to have a remote previous to authentication heap corruption in its sshd component.
Exploitation of this vulnerability will allow full access to the router device.
This analysis describes the bug and includes a way to get developer access to recent versions of Mikrotik RouterOS
using the /etc/devel-login file. This is done by forging a modified NPK file using a correct signature and logging
into the device with username ‘devel’ and the password of the administrator. This will drop into a busybox shell for
further researching the sshd vulnerability using gdb and strace tools that have been compiled for the Mikrotik busybox
nu11secur1ty /
Created November 26, 2017 17:45 — forked from burnash/
Simple command line script to fetch a Google API's access token.
This script will attempt to open your webbrowser,
perform OAuth 2 authentication and print your access token.
It depends on two libraries: oauth2client and gflags.
To install dependencies from PyPI:
$ pip install python-gflags oauth2client