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Last active April 27, 2018 08:57
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Changes to nds-advnaced-search.js to retrieve Post Thumbnail URI from the Cache
( function( $ ) {
"use strict";
// HashMap for searched keys and their post titles.
var searchCache = {};
// track the currect AJAX request.
var sameAjaxRequest;
// get cached post titles from the params object of wp_localize_script.
var cachedPostTitles = ( false !== params.cached_post_titles && params.cached_post_titles.length ) ? params.cached_post_titles : false;
// get cached posts data from the params object of wp_localize_script.
var cachedPostsData = ( false !== params.cached_posts_data ) ? params.cached_posts_data : false;
if( cachedPostsData ) {
// this will be visible when you have run the search at least once.
// you will need to extract the title and image uri and use it accordingly.
// see how I extracted the image uri in the .done() function of the AJAX request below.
console.log( "Cached retrieved from WordPress ");
console.log( cachedPostsData );
$( "#nds-advanced-search-form #nds-search-box" ).autocomplete({
delay: 300,
source: function( request, response ) {
var matcher = new RegExp( $.ui.autocomplete.escapeRegex( request.term ), "i" );
var searchTitlesForSuggestions = function( searchTitles ) {
// function used to search the key in the post titles.
var suggestions = $.grep( searchTitles, function( item ) {
return matcher.test( item );
// cache the search term with its data in a hash map.
cachedPostTitles = searchTitles;
searchCache[request.term] = suggestions;
return suggestions;
// check if the search key was already cached in the HashMap.
if ( request.term in searchCache ) {
// return suggestions using the cache object.
response( searchCache[request.term] );
// exit and avoid an ajax call as we can use data that was cached in earlier ajax calls.
} // else check if cached post tiles exists.
else if ( cachedPostTitles ) {
// cachedPostTitles array may have been set in previous AJAX call or inititally by wp_localize_script.
var searchSuggestions = searchTitlesForSuggestions( cachedPostTitles );
// return the suggestions for the search term.
response( searchSuggestions );
// exit and avoid an ajax call as we can use data that was cached in earlier ajax calls.
// Else Make an AJAX Request.
// AJAX call is made if wp_localize_script sent an empty array for post titles.
sameAjaxRequest = $.ajax ({
url: params.ajaxurl, // domain/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php
type: "POST",
dataType: "json",
data: {
action: "nds_advanced_search_autosuggest",
ajaxRequest: "yes",
term: request.term
// on success.
.done( function( data, textStatus, jqXHR ) {
if ( jqXHR === sameAjaxRequest && null !== data && "undefined" !== typeof( data ) ) {
console.log( data );
// data is now an object with post id, titles and image uri
// { id: 1069, title: "She sells sea shells", thumbnail_uri: "http://domain/image_path/image" }
// extract required data for the autosuggest.
var postTitles = function(post) {
return post.title; // Similarly you can extract the post thumbail uri
console.log( postTitles );
// data contains the post titles sent by the AJAX handler.
var searchSuggestions = searchTitlesForSuggestions( postTitles );
// return the suggestions for the search term.
response( searchSuggestions );
// on failure.
.fail( function( xhr, status, errorThrown ) {
$( "#nds-search-box" ).css( "background-color", "yellow" );
$( "#nds-search-box" ).val( "An error occurred ..." );
// after all this time?
.always( function( xhr, status ) {
minLength: 3
})( jQuery );
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