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func encode<T>(var value: T) -> NSData {
return withUnsafePointer(&value) { p in
NSData(bytes: p, length: sizeofValue(value))
func decode<T>(data: NSData) -> T {
let pointer = UnsafeMutablePointer<T>.alloc(sizeof(T.Type))
return pointer.move()
// Example:
enum Result<T> {
case Success(T)
case Failure
var res: Result<String> = .Success("yeah")
var data = encode(res)
var decoded: Result<String> = decode(data)
switch decoded {
case .Failure:
case .Success(let v):
"success: \(v)" // => "success: yeah"
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I have an NSArray of Struct of which I writeToFile after encode each struct. If I read the saved plist in the same instance, I can read the data back perfectly but when I rerun and reload the data, it only partially decodes each struct. What gives?

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Awesome; thank you!

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It won't work, if you have an array in your struct.

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Any reason why you would want to use this over Struct to NSData via NSJSONSerilization?

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Yes, this use to work for me too. It works on simple structs but as it get more complex, nil is always returned. Anyone else experience this?

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It seems to fail sometimes, returns nil once in a while even without changing anything on the struct

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