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Created November 2, 2017 22:18
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Apollo-Link Context
//: Playground - noun: a place where people can play
import Foundation
public struct ContextKey<Value> {
public let name: String
public let defaultValue: () -> Value
public init(_ name: String, default defaultValue: @escaping @autoclosure () -> Value) { = name
self.defaultValue = defaultValue
extension ContextKey: Equatable {
public static func ==(lhs: ContextKey<Value>, rhs: ContextKey<Value>) -> Bool {
return ==
extension ContextKey: Hashable {
public var hashValue: Int {
return name.hashValue
public final class Context {
private var data = [AnyHashable: Any]()
public func get<Value>(_ key: ContextKey<Value>) -> Value {
return data[key, default: key.defaultValue()] as! Value
public func set<Value>(_ value: Value, for key: ContextKey<Value>) {
data[key] = value
public subscript<Value>(_ key: ContextKey<Value>) -> Value {
get {
return get(key)
set {
set(newValue, for: key)
public enum ContextKeys {
// in HTTP link
extension ContextKeys {
public static let HTTPHeaders = ContextKey<[String: String]>("http.headers", default: [:])
public static let HTTPMethod = ContextKey<String>("http.method", default: "GET")
// Usage
let context = Context()
// in Auth link
context[ContextKeys.HTTPHeaders]["Authorization"] = "Bearer my-jwt-token"
context[ContextKeys.HTTPHeaders] // => ["Authorization": "Bearer my-jwt-token"]
// in another link
context[ContextKeys.HTTPMethod] = "POST"
var headers = context[ContextKeys.HTTPHeaders]
headers["X-Environment"] = "development"
headers["Content-Type"] = "application/json"
context[ContextKeys.HTTPHeaders] = headers
// in HTTP link
context[ContextKeys.HTTPMethod] // => POST
context[ContextKeys.HTTPHeaders] // => ["Content-Type": "application/json", "X-Environment": "development", "Authorization": "Bearer my-jwt-token"]
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I like the experiment :) It's a shame you can't store static properties in generic types, because I'd rather allow people to use context[.HTTPMethod] than context[ContextKeys.HTTPMethod]. If found a little trick you can use if you make Key a class and let it inherit from a non-generic superclass where you put the static properties on:

public struct Context {
  private var data = [AnyHashable: Any]()
  public class Keys {
  public class Key<Value>: Keys {
    public let name: String
    public init(_ name: String) { = name
  public subscript<Value>(_ key: Key<Value>) -> Value {
    get {
      return data[key] as! Value
    set {
      data[key] = newValue

extension Context.Key: Equatable {
  public static func ==(lhs: Context.Key<Value>, rhs: Context.Key<Value>) -> Bool {
    return ==

extension Context.Key: Hashable {
  public var hashValue: Int {
    return name.hashValue

extension Context.Keys {
  public static let HTTPMethod = Context.Key<String>("http.method")

var context = Context()
context[.HTTPMethod] = "GET"

(I made Context a struct because I think value semantics make sense here.)

As much as I like experimenting however, it seems adding computed properties directly to Context would be a simpler solution:

public struct Context {
  private var data = [AnyHashable: Any]()

extension Context {
  var HTTPMethod: String {
    get {
      return data["HTTPMethod"] as! String
    set {
      data["HTTPMethod"] = newValue
  var HTTPHeaders: [String: String] {
    get {
      return (data["HTTPHeaders"] as? [String: String]) ?? [:]
    set {
      data["HTTPHeaders"] = newValue

var context = Context()
context.HTTPMethod = "GET"
context.HTTPHeaders["Authorization"] = "Bearer my-jwt-token"

What do you think?

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nubbel commented Nov 5, 2017

Nifty little trick, I like it!
I'm not sure if value semantics actually do make sense here. In each link, after making changes to the context, one would need to remember to call the context setter on the operation. Example:

class SomeLink {
  func request(op Operation) {
    var ctx = op.context
    // do something with the context
    op.context = ctx // do not forget this!

Wouldn't it be more convenient to just do the changes to the context via a reference type?

Regarding your simpler solution: I agree, it is indeed much more simpler and also provides the simplest API possible.
However, for third-party links we would need to make data public in order to allow them to add accessors.

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