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Created April 2, 2024 05:03
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Modifications 12/31/2023 Haggai Nuchi
FAUST Architecture File
Copyright (C) 2003-2019 GRAME, Centre National de Creation Musicale
This Architecture section is free software; you can redistribute it
and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of
the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; If not, see <>.
EXCEPTION : As a special exception, you may create a larger work
that contains this FAUST architecture section and distribute
that work under terms of your choice, so long as this FAUST
architecture section is not modified.
'use strict';
if (typeof (AudioWorkletNode) === "undefined") {
alert("AudioWorklet is not supported in this browser !")
class FaustDspNode extends AudioWorkletNode {
constructor(context, baseURL, name, options) {
super(context, name, options);
this.baseURL = baseURL;
this.json = options.processorOptions.json;
this.json_object = JSON.parse(this.json);
// JSON parsing functions
this.parse_ui = function (ui, obj) {
for (var i = 0; i < ui.length; i++) {
this.parse_group(ui[i], obj);
this.parse_group = function (group, obj) {
if (group.items) {
this.parse_items(group.items, obj);
this.parse_items = function (items, obj) {
for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
this.parse_item(items[i], obj);
this.parse_item = function (item, obj) {
if (item.type === "vgroup"
|| item.type === "hgroup"
|| item.type === "tgroup") {
this.parse_items(item.items, obj);
} else if (item.type === "hbargraph"
|| item.type === "vbargraph") {
// Keep bargraph adresses
} else if (item.type === "vslider"
|| item.type === "hslider"
|| item.type === "button"
|| item.type === "checkbox"
|| item.type === "nentry") {
// Keep inputs adresses
// Decode MIDI
if (item.meta !== undefined) {
for (var i = 0; i < item.meta.length; i++) {
if (item.meta[i].midi !== undefined) {
if (item.meta[i].midi.trim() === "pitchwheel") {
path: item.address,
min: parseFloat(item.min),
max: parseFloat(item.max)
} else if (item.meta[i].midi.trim().split(" ")[0] === "ctrl") {
obj.fCtrlLabel[parseInt(item.meta[i].midi.trim().split(" ")[1])]
path: item.address,
min: parseFloat(item.min),
max: parseFloat(item.max)
// Define setXXX/getXXX, replacing '/c' with 'C' everywhere in the string
var set_name = "set" + item.address;
var get_name = "get" + item.address;
set_name = set_name.replace(/\/./g, (x) => { return x.substr(1, 1).toUpperCase(); });
get_name = get_name.replace(/\/./g, (x) => { return x.substr(1, 1).toUpperCase(); });
obj[set_name] = (val) => { obj.setParamValue(item.address, val); };
obj[get_name] = () => { return obj.getParamValue(item.address); };
this.output_handler = null;
// input/output items
this.inputs_items = [];
this.outputs_items = [];
this.descriptor = [];
this.fPitchwheelLabel = [];
this.fCtrlLabel = new Array(128);
for (var i = 0; i < this.fCtrlLabel.length; i++) { this.fCtrlLabel[i] = []; }
// Parse UI
this.parse_ui(this.json_object.ui, this);
// Set message handler
this.port.onmessage = this.handleMessage.bind(this);
try {
if (this.parameters) this.parameters.forEach(p => p.automationRate = "k-rate");
} catch (e) { }
// To be called by the message port with messages coming from the processor
handleMessage(event) {
var msg =;
if (this.output_handler) {
this.output_handler(msg.path, msg.value);
// Public API
* Destroy the node, deallocate resources.
destroy() {
this.port.postMessage({ type: "destroy" });
* Returns a full JSON description of the DSP.
getJSON() {
return this.json;
// For WAP
async getMetadata() {
return new Promise(resolve => {
let real_url = (this.baseURL === "") ? "main.json" : (this.baseURL + "/main.json");
fetch(real_url).then(responseJSON => {
return responseJSON.json();
}).then(json => {
* Set the control value at a given path.
* @param path - a path to the control
* @param val - the value to be set
setParamValue(path, val) {
// Needed for sample accurate control
this.parameters.get(path).setValueAtTime(val, 0);
// For WAP
setParam(path, val) {
// Needed for sample accurate control
this.parameters.get(path).setValueAtTime(val, 0);
* Get the control value at a given path.
* @return the current control value
getParamValue(path) {
return this.parameters.get(path).value;
// For WAP
getParam(path) {
return this.parameters.get(path).value;
* Setup a control output handler with a function of type (path, value)
* to be used on each generated output value. This handler will be called
* each audio cycle at the end of the 'compute' method.
* @param handler - a function of type function(path, value)
setOutputParamHandler(handler) {
this.output_handler = handler;
* Get the current output handler.
getOutputParamHandler() {
return this.output_handler;
getNumInputs() {
return parseInt(this.json_object.inputs);
getNumOutputs() {
return parseInt(this.json_object.outputs);
// For WAP
inputChannelCount() {
return parseInt(this.json_object.inputs);
outputChannelCount() {
return parseInt(this.json_object.outputs);
* Returns an array of all input paths (to be used with setParamValue/getParamValue)
getParams() {
return this.inputs_items;
// For WAP
getDescriptor() {
var desc = {};
for (const item in this.descriptor) {
if (this.descriptor.hasOwnProperty(item)) {
if (this.descriptor[item].label != "bypass") {
desc = Object.assign({ [this.descriptor[item].label]: { minValue: this.descriptor[item].min, maxValue: this.descriptor[item].max, defaultValue: this.descriptor[item].init } }, desc);
return desc;
* Control change
* @param channel - the MIDI channel (0..15, not used for now)
* @param ctrl - the MIDI controller number (0..127)
* @param value - the MIDI controller value (0..127)
ctrlChange(channel, ctrl, value) {
if (this.fCtrlLabel[ctrl] !== []) {
for (var i = 0; i < this.fCtrlLabel[ctrl].length; i++) {
var path = this.fCtrlLabel[ctrl][i].path;
this.setParamValue(path, FaustDspNode.remap(value, 0, 127, this.fCtrlLabel[ctrl][i].min, this.fCtrlLabel[ctrl][i].max));
if (this.output_handler) {
this.output_handler(path, this.getParamValue(path));
* PitchWeel
* @param channel - the MIDI channel (0..15, not used for now)
* @param value - the MIDI controller value (0..16383)
pitchWheel(channel, wheel) {
for (var i = 0; i < this.fPitchwheelLabel.length; i++) {
var pw = this.fPitchwheelLabel[i];
this.setParamValue(pw.path, FaustDspNode.remap(wheel, 0, 16383, pw.min, pw.max));
if (this.output_handler) {
this.output_handler(pw.path, this.getParamValue(pw.path));
* Generic MIDI message handler.
midiMessage(data) {
var cmd = data[0] >> 4;
var channel = data[0] & 0xf;
var data1 = data[1];
var data2 = data[2];
if (channel === 9) {
} else if (cmd === 11) {
this.ctrlChange(channel, data1, data2);
} else if (cmd === 14) {
this.pitchWheel(channel, (data2 * 128.0 + data1));
// For WAP
onMidi(data) {
* @returns {Object} describes the path for each available param and its current value
async getState() {
var params = new Object();
for (let i = 0; i < this.getParams().length; i++) {
Object.assign(params, { [this.getParams()[i]]: `${this.getParam(this.getParams()[i])}` });
return new Promise(resolve => { resolve(params) });
* Sets each params with the value indicated in the state object
* @param {Object} state
async setState(state) {
return new Promise(resolve => {
for (const param in state) {
if (state.hasOwnProperty(param)) this.setParam(param, state[param]);
try {
this.gui.setAttribute('state', JSON.stringify(state));
} catch (error) {
console.warn("Plugin without gui or GUI not defined", error);
* A different call closer to the preset management
* @param {Object} patch to assign as a preset to the node
setPatch(patch) {
static remap(v, mn0, mx0, mn1, mx1) {
return (1.0 * (v - mn0) / (mx0 - mn0)) * (mx1 - mn1) + mn1;
// Factory class
class FaustDsp {
static fWorkletProcessors;
* Factory constructor.
* @param context - the audio context
* @param baseURL - the baseURL of the plugin folder
constructor(context, name, baseURL = "") {
console.log("baseLatency " + context.baseLatency);
console.log("outputLatency " + context.outputLatency);
console.log("sampleRate " + context.sampleRate);
this.context = context; = name;
this.baseURL = baseURL;
this.pathTable = [];
this.fWorkletProcessors = this.fWorkletProcessors || [];
heap2Str(buf) {
let str = "";
let i = 0;
while (buf[i] !== 0) {
str += String.fromCharCode(buf[i++]);
return str;
* Load additionnal resources to prepare the custom AudioWorkletNode. Returns a promise to be used with the created node.
async load() {
try {
const importObject = {
env: {
memoryBase: 0,
tableBase: 0,
_abs: Math.abs,
// Float version
_acosf: Math.acos,
_asinf: Math.asin,
_atanf: Math.atan,
_atan2f: Math.atan2,
_ceilf: Math.ceil,
_cosf: Math.cos,
_expf: Math.exp,
_floorf: Math.floor,
_fmodf: (x, y) => x % y,
_logf: Math.log,
_log10f: Math.log10,
_max_f: Math.max,
_min_f: Math.min,
_remainderf: (x, y) => x - Math.round(x / y) * y,
_powf: Math.pow,
_roundf: Math.round,
_sinf: Math.sin,
_sqrtf: Math.sqrt,
_tanf: Math.tan,
_acoshf: Math.acosh,
_asinhf: Math.asinh,
_atanhf: Math.atanh,
_coshf: Math.cosh,
_sinhf: Math.sinh,
_tanhf: Math.tanh,
_isnanf: Number.isNaN,
_isinff: function (x) { return !isFinite(x); },
_copysignf: function (x, y) { return Math.sign(x) === Math.sign(y) ? x : -x; },
// Double version
_acos: Math.acos,
_asin: Math.asin,
_atan: Math.atan,
_atan2: Math.atan2,
_ceil: Math.ceil,
_cos: Math.cos,
_exp: Math.exp,
_floor: Math.floor,
_fmod: (x, y) => x % y,
_log: Math.log,
_log10: Math.log10,
_max_: Math.max,
_min_: Math.min,
_remainder: (x, y) => x - Math.round(x / y) * y,
_pow: Math.pow,
_round: Math.round,
_sin: Math.sin,
_sqrt: Math.sqrt,
_tan: Math.tan,
_acosh: Math.acosh,
_asinh: Math.asinh,
_atanh: Math.atanh,
_cosh: Math.cosh,
_sinh: Math.sinh,
_tanh: Math.tanh,
_isnan: Number.isNaN,
_isinf: function (x) { return !isFinite(x); },
_copysign: function (x, y) { return Math.sign(x) === Math.sign(y) ? x : -x; },
table: new WebAssembly.Table({ initial: 0, element: "anyfunc" })
let real_url = (this.baseURL === "") ? `${}.wasm` : (this.baseURL + `/${}.wasm`);
const dspFile = await fetch(real_url);
const dspBuffer = await dspFile.arrayBuffer();
const dspModule = await WebAssembly.compile(dspBuffer);
const dspInstance = await WebAssembly.instantiate(dspModule, importObject);
let HEAPU8 = new Uint8Array(dspInstance.exports.memory.buffer);
let json = this.heap2Str(HEAPU8);
let json_object = JSON.parse(json);
let options = { wasm_buffer: dspBuffer, json: json };
if (this.fWorkletProcessors.indexOf( === -1) {
try {
let re = /JSON_STR/g;
let FaustDspProcessorString1 = FaustDspProcessorString.replaceAll("mydsp",, json);
let real_url = window.URL.createObjectURL(new Blob([FaustDspProcessorString1], { type: 'text/javascript' }));
await this.context.audioWorklet.addModule(real_url);
// Keep the DSP name
console.log("Keep the DSP name");
} catch (e) {
console.error("Faust " + + " cannot be loaded or compiled");
return null;
this.node = new FaustDspNode(this.context, this.baseURL,,
numberOfInputs: (parseInt(json_object.inputs) > 0) ? 1 : 0,
numberOfOutputs: (parseInt(json_object.outputs) > 0) ? 1 : 0,
channelCount: Math.max(1, parseInt(json_object.inputs)),
outputChannelCount: [parseInt(json_object.outputs)],
channelCountMode: "explicit",
channelInterpretation: "speakers",
processorOptions: options
this.node.onprocessorerror = () => { console.log(`An error from ${}Processor was detected.`); }
return (this.node);
} catch (e) {
console.error("Faust " + + " cannot be loaded or compiled");
return null;
async loadGui() {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
try {
// DO THIS ONLY ONCE. If another instance has already been added, do not add the html file again
let real_url = (this.baseURL === "") ? "main.html" : (this.baseURL + "/main.html");
if (!this.linkExists(real_url)) {
// LINK DOES NOT EXIST, let's add it to the document
var link = document.createElement('link');
link.rel = 'import';
link.href = real_url;
link.onload = (e) => {
// the file has been loaded, instanciate GUI
// and get back the HTML elem
var element = createmydspGUI(this.node);
} else {
// so we can create another instance
var element = createmydspGUI(this.node);
} catch (e) {
linkExists(url) {
return document.querySelectorAll(`link[href="${url}"]`).length > 0;
// Template string for AudioWorkletProcessor
let FaustDspProcessorString = `
'use strict';
// Monophonic Faust DSP
class mydspProcessor extends AudioWorkletProcessor {
// JSON parsing functions
static parse_ui(ui, obj, callback)
for (var i = 0; i < ui.length; i++) {
mydspProcessor.parse_group(ui[i], obj, callback);
static parse_group(group, obj, callback)
if (group.items) {
mydspProcessor.parse_items(group.items, obj, callback);
static parse_items(items, obj, callback)
for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
callback(items[i], obj, callback);
static parse_item1(item, obj, callback)
if (item.type === "vgroup"
|| item.type === "hgroup"
|| item.type === "tgroup") {
mydspProcessor.parse_items(item.items, obj, callback);
} else if (item.type === "hbargraph"
|| item.type === "vbargraph") {
// Nothing
} else if (item.type === "vslider"
|| item.type === "hslider"
|| item.type === "button"
|| item.type === "checkbox"
|| item.type === "nentry") {
obj.push({ name: item.address,
defaultValue: item.init,
minValue: item.min,
maxValue: item.max });
static parse_item2(item, obj, callback)
if (item.type === "vgroup"
|| item.type === "hgroup"
|| item.type === "tgroup") {
mydspProcessor.parse_items(item.items, obj, callback);
} else if (item.type === "hbargraph"
|| item.type === "vbargraph") {
// Keep bargraph adresses
obj.pathTable[item.address] = parseInt(item.index);
} else if (item.type === "vslider"
|| item.type === "hslider"
|| item.type === "button"
|| item.type === "checkbox"
|| item.type === "nentry") {
// Keep inputs adresses
obj.pathTable[item.address] = parseInt(item.index);
static get parameterDescriptors()
// Analyse JSON to generate AudioParam parameters
var params = [];
mydspProcessor.parse_ui(JSON.parse(\`JSON_STR\`).ui, params, mydspProcessor.parse_item1);
return params;
this.running = true;
const importObject = {
env: {
memoryBase: 0,
tableBase: 0,
// Integer version
_abs: Math.abs,
// Float version
_acosf: Math.acos,
_asinf: Math.asin,
_atanf: Math.atan,
_atan2f: Math.atan2,
_ceilf: Math.ceil,
_cosf: Math.cos,
_expf: Math.exp,
_floorf: Math.floor,
_fmodf: function(x, y) { return x % y; },
_logf: Math.log,
_log10f: Math.log10,
_max_f: Math.max,
_min_f: Math.min,
_remainderf: function(x, y) { return x - Math.round(x/y) * y; },
_powf: Math.pow,
_roundf: Math.round,
_sinf: Math.sin,
_sqrtf: Math.sqrt,
_tanf: Math.tan,
_acoshf: Math.acosh,
_asinhf: Math.asinh,
_atanhf: Math.atanh,
_coshf: Math.cosh,
_sinhf: Math.sinh,
_tanhf: Math.tanh,
// Double version
_acos: Math.acos,
_asin: Math.asin,
_atan: Math.atan,
_atan2: Math.atan2,
_ceil: Math.ceil,
_cos: Math.cos,
_exp: Math.exp,
_floor: Math.floor,
_fmod: function(x, y) { return x % y; },
_log: Math.log,
_log10: Math.log10,
_max_: Math.max,
_min_: Math.min,
_remainder:function(x, y) { return x - Math.round(x/y) * y; },
_pow: Math.pow,
_round: Math.round,
_sin: Math.sin,
_sqrt: Math.sqrt,
_tan: Math.tan,
_acosh: Math.acosh,
_asinh: Math.asinh,
_atanh: Math.atanh,
_cosh: Math.cosh,
_sinh: Math.sinh,
_tanh: Math.tanh,
table: new WebAssembly.Table({ initial: 0, element: 'anyfunc' })
const wasmModule = new WebAssembly.Module(options.processorOptions.wasm_buffer);
this.mydsp_instance = new WebAssembly.Instance(wasmModule, importObject);
this.json_object = JSON.parse(options.processorOptions.json);
this.output_handler = function(path, value) { this.port.postMessage({ path: path, value: value }); };
this.ins = null;
this.outs = null;
this.dspInChannnels = [];
this.dspOutChannnels = [];
this.numIn = parseInt(this.json_object.inputs);
this.numOut = parseInt(this.json_object.outputs);
// Memory allocator
this.ptr_size = 4;
this.sample_size = 4;
this.integer_size = 4;
this.factory = this.mydsp_instance.exports;
this.HEAP = this.mydsp_instance.exports.memory.buffer;
this.HEAP32 = new Int32Array(this.HEAP);
this.HEAPF32 = new Float32Array(this.HEAP);
// Warning: keeps a ref on HEAP in Chrome and prevent proper GC
// bargraph
this.outputs_timer = 5;
this.outputs_items = [];
// input items
this.inputs_items = [];
// Start of HEAP index
// DSP is placed first with index 0. Audio buffer start at the end of DSP.
this.audio_heap_ptr = parseInt(this.json_object.size);
// Setup pointers offset
this.audio_heap_ptr_inputs = this.audio_heap_ptr;
this.audio_heap_ptr_outputs = this.audio_heap_ptr_inputs + (this.numIn * this.ptr_size);
// Setup buffer offset
this.audio_heap_inputs = this.audio_heap_ptr_outputs + (this.numOut * this.ptr_size);
this.audio_heap_outputs = this.audio_heap_inputs + (this.numIn * NUM_FRAMES * this.sample_size);
// Start of DSP memory : DSP is placed first with index 0
this.dsp = 0;
this.pathTable = [];
// Send output values to the AudioNode
this.update_outputs = function ()
if (this.outputs_items.length > 0 && this.output_handler && this.outputs_timer-- === 0) {
this.outputs_timer = 5;
for (var i = 0; i < this.outputs_items.length; i++) {
this.output_handler(this.outputs_items[i], this.HEAPF32[this.pathTable[this.outputs_items[i]] >> 2]);
this.initAux = function ()
var i;
if (this.numIn > 0) {
this.ins = this.audio_heap_ptr_inputs;
for (i = 0; i < this.numIn; i++) {
this.HEAP32[(this.ins >> 2) + i] = this.audio_heap_inputs + ((NUM_FRAMES * this.sample_size) * i);
// Prepare Ins buffer tables
var dspInChans = this.HEAP32.subarray(this.ins >> 2, (this.ins + this.numIn * this.ptr_size) >> 2);
for (i = 0; i < this.numIn; i++) {
this.dspInChannnels[i] = this.HEAPF32.subarray(dspInChans[i] >> 2, (dspInChans[i] + NUM_FRAMES * this.sample_size) >> 2);
if (this.numOut > 0) {
this.outs = this.audio_heap_ptr_outputs;
for (i = 0; i < this.numOut; i++) {
this.HEAP32[(this.outs >> 2) + i] = this.audio_heap_outputs + ((NUM_FRAMES * this.sample_size) * i);
// Prepare Out buffer tables
var dspOutChans = this.HEAP32.subarray(this.outs >> 2, (this.outs + this.numOut * this.ptr_size) >> 2);
for (i = 0; i < this.numOut; i++) {
this.dspOutChannnels[i] = this.HEAPF32.subarray(dspOutChans[i] >> 2, (dspOutChans[i] + NUM_FRAMES * this.sample_size) >> 2);
// Parse UI
mydspProcessor.parse_ui(this.json_object.ui, this, mydspProcessor.parse_item2);
// Init DSP
this.factory.init(this.dsp, sampleRate); // 'sampleRate' is defined in AudioWorkletGlobalScope
this.setParamValue = function (path, val)
this.HEAPF32[this.pathTable[path] >> 2] = val;
this.getParamValue = function (path)
return this.HEAPF32[this.pathTable[path] >> 2];
// Init resulting DSP
process(inputs, outputs, parameters)
var input = inputs[0];
var output = outputs[0];
// Check inputs
if (this.numIn > 0 && (!input || !input[0] || input[0].length === 0)) {
//console.log("Process input error");
return true;
// Check outputs
if (this.numOut > 0 && (!output || !output[0] || output[0].length === 0)) {
//console.log("Process output error");
return true;
// Copy inputs
if (input !== undefined) {
for (var chan = 0; chan < Math.min(this.numIn, input.length); ++chan) {
var dspInput = this.dspInChannnels[chan];
TODO: sample accurate control change is not yet handled
When no automation occurs, params[i][1] has a length of 1,
otherwise params[i][1] has a length of NUM_FRAMES with possible control change each sample
// Update controls
for (const path in parameters) {
const paramArray = parameters[path];
this.setParamValue(path, paramArray[0]);
// Compute
try {
this.factory.compute(this.dsp, NUM_FRAMES, this.ins, this.outs);
} catch(e) {
console.log("ERROR in compute (" + e + ")");
// Update bargraph
// Copy outputs
if (output !== undefined) {
for (var chan = 0; chan < Math.min(this.numOut, output.length); ++chan) {
var dspOutput = this.dspOutChannnels[chan];
return this.running;
var msg =;
switch (msg.type) {
case "destroy": this.running = false; break;
// Globals
const NUM_FRAMES = 128;
try {
registerProcessor('mydsp', mydspProcessor);
} catch (error) {
export { FaustDsp };
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