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Last active December 20, 2019 14:11
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extension BinaryInteger {
public func power(_ n: Self) -> Self {
return stride(from: 0, to: n, by: 1){_ in self }).reduce(1, *)
func continuedFraction<T: Sequence, V: Sequence>(
_ seq1: T,
_ seq2: V,
iterations: Int = 1000
) -> Double where T.Element: BinaryInteger, T.Element == V.Element {
return zip(seq1, seq2).prefix(iterations).reversed().reduce(0.0, { Double($1.0) + (Double($1.1) / $0) })
let sqrtA = [1].chained(with: [2].cycled())
let sqrtB = [1].cycled()
print("√2 ≈ \(continuedFraction(sqrtA, sqrtB))")
let napierA = [2].chained(with: 1...)
let napierB = [1].chained(with: 1...)
print("e ≈ \(continuedFraction(napierA, napierB))")
let piA = [3].chained(with: [6].cycled())
let piB = (1...){ (2 * $0 - 1).power(2) })
print("π ≈ \(continuedFraction(piA, piB))")
public struct ChainedSequence<Element> {
private var sequences: [AnySequence<Element>]
private var iter: AnyIterator<Element>
private var curSeq = 0
init(chain: ChainedSequence) {
self.sequences = chain.sequences
self.iter = chain.iter
self.curSeq = chain.curSeq
init<Seq: Sequence>(_ seq: Seq) where Seq.Element == Element {
sequences = [AnySequence(seq)]
iter = sequences[curSeq].makeIterator()
func chained<Seq: Sequence>(with seq: Seq) -> ChainedSequence where Seq.Element == Element {
var res = ChainedSequence(chain: self)
return res
extension ChainedSequence: Sequence, IteratorProtocol {
public mutating func next() -> Element? {
if let el = {
return el
curSeq += 1
guard curSeq != sequences.endIndex else {
return nil
iter = sequences[curSeq].makeIterator()
extension Sequence {
public func chained<Seq: Sequence>(with other: Seq) -> ChainedSequence<Element> where Seq.Element == Element {
return ChainedSequence(self).chained(with: other)
public struct CycledSequence<WrappedSequence: Sequence> {
private var seq: WrappedSequence
private var iter: WrappedSequence.Iterator
init(seq: WrappedSequence) {
self.seq = seq
self.iter = seq.makeIterator()
extension CycledSequence: Sequence, IteratorProtocol {
public mutating func next() -> WrappedSequence.Element? {
if let ele = {
return ele
} else {
iter = seq.makeIterator()
extension Sequence {
public func cycled() -> CycledSequence<Self> {
return CycledSequence(seq: self)
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