Thanks for your interest in joining MyEcommerce. To ensure that we get consistent information from all applicants, in the same format, we have a standard form you need to complete.
Please copy this private Gist and use it as a template for your own private Gist; make sure to view the raw file as it's all in Markdown with quite a lot of comments.
Please edit your copy of the Gist and complete all of the questions in clear language.
This is a chance for us to get to know you and for you to show us that you’re able to follow instructions, use some of the tools we use on a daily basis and get an idea of how we approach things.
When you’re finished answering all of the questions, please message us on Facebook. You’ll be chatting to Nathan (our CEO) and Amelia (our CFO). Please send us a link to your private Gist with all of the answers.
We’ll either comment on the Gist or send you additional questions via Facebook.
Looking forward to hearing from you.