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Created July 28, 2011 19:28
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A Look at Case Expressions in Ruby
# A Look at Case Expressions in Ruby
# ==================================
# *Side note: Playing with docco as a formatting tool for this article. Excuse
# the lines with solitary* `:parabreak` *symbols, they're to make paragraphs on the
# right hand side.*
# Ruby, like many languages has a case-when construct for more refined
# conditional execution than if-then-else can provide. Technically all case
# constructs could be written as if-then-else-if-then...else but you wouldn't
# enjoy it.
# ## Ruby's case-when is an expression
# However, there are a number of things that make Ruby's case-when special.
# The first comes from Ruby's functional roots. It's powerful but deceptively
# simple. Ruby's case-when construct is an *expression*. Which means, among
# other things, it returns a value.
# In a traditional imperative style a case statement might look like:
conditional_variable = :some_default_value
case our_condition
when :first
conditional_variable = :one_thing
when :then
conditional_variable = :another
# The that isn't ideal for a number of reasons. `conditional_variable` is
# set visibly three times which as any freshman can tell you is frowned upon.
# Academics have stuffier reasons for it but the most important is that it
# decreases readability because we aren't sure what the value will be after
# execution. Setting it so many times is also a code duplication, albeit a small
# one. We can take advantage of Ruby's case-when *expression* with this code:
conditional_variable = case our_condition
when :first
when :then
# Doesn't that look nicer? `conditional_variable` is only set once and the
# intent is clear, we want the value to depend on `our_condition`.
# ## case-when uses triple equals for comparison
# This got me good this morning and spawned this article.
# If you're not familiar with `===` in Ruby then the best explanation comes
# from *_why's Poignant Guide to Ruby* which really is worth reading. I've
# referred back to it multiple times to help myself and those around me fully
# understand basic Ruby concepts like `nil`, truthiness and falsiness, and,
# __fanfare please__, double equals versus triple equals.
# ### From the Guide:
# > The double equals gives the appearance of a short link of ropes, right
# > along the sides of a red carpet where only* `true` can be admitted.
if approaching_guy == true
puts "That necklace is classic"
# > ...
# > [This case-when statement]
case year
when 1894
when (1895..1913)
"Childhood in Lousville, Winston Co., Mississippi."
"No information about this year."
# > is identical to
if 1894 === year
elsif (1895..1913) === year
"Childhood in Lousville, Winston Co., Mississippi."
"No information about this year."
# > The __triple equals__ is a length of velvet rope, checking values much like
# > the __double equals__. It's just: the triple equals is a longer rope and it
# > sags a bit in the middle. It's not as strict, it's a bit more flexible.
# > Take the Ranges above. `(1895..1913)` isn't at all equal to `1905`.
# > No, the Range `(1895..1913)` is only truly equal to any other Range
# > `(1895..1913)`. In the case of a Range, the triple equals cuts you a break
# > and lets the Integer `1905` in, because even though it's not equal to the
# > Range, it's included in the set of Integers represented by the Range. Which
# > is good enough in some cases, such as the timeline I put together earlier.
# ## My Mistake
# This is what I did yesterday morning which caused me to write this as penance.
def local_tweet_object input
tweet_hash = case input.class # the screw-up
when String
MultiJson.decode input
when Hash
"I don't want #{input.class} give me only String or Hash")
end tweet_hash
# This code was raising the following error.
# `ArgumentError: I don't want Hash give me only String or Hash`
# ... *huh?*
# At first glance it looked fine, but then we remember that case-when uses
# `===`. Again, we think "this shouldn't be an issue, if it's good enough for
# `==` it should be fine for `===`." But `===` behaves specially for certain
# types in Ruby such as Classes, Arrays, and as we saw before, Ranges.
# For simple scalar values `===` acts like you expect.
12 === 12 #=> true
12 === 13 #=> false
:rats === :rats #=> true
"pens" === "pens" #=> true
"space" === "fact" #=> false
# And we know how `===` treats ranges
(8..64) === 32 #=> true
# But note that
(8..64) === (8..64) #=> false
# Suddenly!
Integer === 12 #=> true!
# waitaminute.. what?
# So Ruby can tell that `12` is a type of Integer and thus `===` can be
# described partially as an includes and typeof operator. But there are some
# further gotchas.
[ 1, 2, 3 ] === 1 #=> true
[ 1, 2, 3 ] === [ 1, 2, 3 ] #=> true
[ 1, 2, 3 ] === [ 1, 2 ] #=> false
{ :foo => :bar } === { :foo => :bar } #=> true
{ :foo => :bar } === :foo #=> false
{ :foo => :bar, :baz => :qux } === { :foo => :bar } #=> false
# `===`'s behavior isn't completely intuitive even within Ruby's standard
# Classes. Which brings us (finally) back around to my original error.
Hash === Hash #=> false
# Oh. Well now that I know, I need only change the case from
case input.class
# to
case input
# I posted on a friendly notice about this easy mistake and was
# asked to provide clarification. So here, just over 24 hours late, it is.
# The full source code is provided [here](
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# Suddenly!
Integer === 12 #=> true!

Note also that this is not commutative.

# Otoh...
12 === Integer #=> false!

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