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Created February 2, 2012 07:25
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# Require the list constructor object
List = require '../lib/list'
module.exports = listMapper = {
# Tracker objects in order to mimic a functional database layer until later
# in the development cycle.
idCounter: 0
allLists: []
# Creates a list from the properties of the given object and saves it.
# The callback function is called with the error value, if any, and the
# created list.
createList: (listProperties, callback) ->
list = new List = @allLists.length
@allLists.push list
callback null, list
# Updates a list with the given id with the property values of the given
# object. Returns the object.
updateList: (listId, listProperties, callback) ->
@getList listId, (err, list) ->
if err?
callback err
else =
callback null, list
# Remove the list with specified id from the datastore, return the deleted
# list in a callback function.
destroyList: (listId, callback) ->
list = @allLists.filter((list) -> is listId)[0]
if list?
@allLists = @allLists.filter (list) -> isnt listId
callback null, list
callback new Error "List with id: #{listId} not found."
# Retrieve a List from the datastore by its id. Returns either a List object
# or undefined if no list matches the id.
getList: (listId, callback) ->
callback null, @allLists[listId]
nextId: -> idCounter += 1
listMapper = require './list-mapper'
module.exports = class List
constructor: (@name) ->
@tasks = []
addTask: (task) ->
@tasks.push task
removeTask: (task) ->
@tasks = @tasks.filter (t) -> t != task
unfinishedTasks: -> @tasks.filter (task) -> not task.isCompleted()
completedTasks: -> @tasks.filter (task) -> task.isCompleted()
update: (properties, callback) ->
if properties?
@name =
listMapper.updateList @id, {@name}, callback
destroy: (callback) ->
listMapper.destroyList @id, callback
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