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Last active February 12, 2020 19:40
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SVG Inline Consolidation Overview

SVG Inlining Prototype


To implement this consistently I added the SVG files folder from this repository: directly to our kolibri-components package in Kolibri. This gives the kolibri-components package a reliable place from which to read the SVGs when used across products.

The other primary change is to use the file-svg directive provided by the svg-icon-inline-loader package here.

SVG Icon Names

The folders are named and laid out differently than before. No longer are there "categories" - there is just one huge directory with folders named after the icons themselves. Inside are various styles such as baseline.svg or outline.svg.

Kolibri Changes

See this commit on my fork to see the changes made to KIcon. This is a change to using file-svg rather than mat-svg and adds all of those SVGs to the package.

Studio Changes

By installing this new version of the kolibri-components in Studio, we are able to use KIcon the same as we do in Kolibri.

Additionally, we need to install the svg-icon-inline-loader and update the webpack.config.js file as it is here. There is a branch with this committed I'll share later in the 'how to test' section.

Now you may use KIcon in the frontend/shared/Sandbox.vue (or anywhere in Studio) by importing import KIcon from 'kolibri-components/src/KIcon.vue';.

Additional Implementation Notes

Use of mat-svg remains in Kolibri

The mat-svg directive is used extensively throughout Kolibri code (~240x). It would be an easy enough task to change them to use KIcon instead if that doesn't cause issues with styling.

file-svg uses a local context

The reason why file-svg works in KIcon is because the folder of SVG files actually live in the same directory.

For this reason, file-svg will not work elsewhere in Studio code unless the targeted SVG is in the same directory as the component in which it is used OR the directory is explicitly given (relative paths work but are hideous... src="../../../../../node_modules/kolibri-components/src/svg/ICON/STYLE.svg).

What are our needs long-term?

Is KIcon not used in Kolibri where mat-svg is used due to the svg-icon-inline-loader coming before KIcon did? Or is it because KIcon doesn't meet certain design requirements? Or is it some other reason?

If Studio needs file-svg for instances where KIcon isn't sufficient, then we may need to take another approach.

What is the other approach?

We could add the SVGs directly to the svg-icon-inline-loader and rewrite the file-svg directive to specifically load those files.

Why wasn't that the first approach?

I felt like having the dependency of the SVG files in the kolibri-components package made more sense for the purposes of the goal of "Making KIcon work regardless of where kolibri-components is installed".

I also didn't think of it until after implementing the current solution. Pending feedback it shouldn't be a heavy lift to make the necessary changes.

Dependency Thoughts

svg-icon-inline-loader ought to probably be a dependency of kolibri-components. It is currently included in Kolibri because it is a dependency of kolibri-tools but if we want these packages to be self-contained, having it defined in both packages makes sense.

Additionally, doing this would remove the need to yarn add svg-icon-inline-loader in Studio

Test It Out

NOTE: JACOB refers to whatever name you gave to my remote fork of the repo. If you haven't already:

cd /path/to/studio
git add remote JACOB

cd ../path/to/kolibri
git add remote JACOB

In Kolibri

git checkout JACOB/svg-inline-file

In Studio

git fetch JACOB
git checkout JACOB/inline-svgs
yarn add svg-inline-file
yarn add ../path/to/kolibri/packages/kolibri-components

Update the frontend/shared/Sandbox.vue file with something like:


    <KIcon icon="correct" color="blue" />
    <file-svg src="../../../../../node_modules/kolibri-components/src/svg/warning/baseline.svg" />


  import TemplateComponent from '../../channelEdit/views/template/Template';
  import KIcon from 'kolibri-components/src/KIcon.vue';

  export default {
    name: 'Sandbox',
    components: {


<style lang="sass" scoped>
svg {
    position: relative;
    top: 0.125em;
    width: 1.125em;
    height: 1.125em;

Run that devserver and go to http://localhost:8080/sandbox and if that doesn't work, make sure you're logged in by going to the root path on the server then back to the sandbox. Right click the icon you see and inspect element and BOOM... inline svgs.

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