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Created September 29, 2021 23:50
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Unity Context Menu Editor Window
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;
using System.Reflection;
public class ContextMenuEditor : EditorWindow
[MenuItem("Tools/Edit Context Menu")] static void Init() => GetWindow<ContextMenuEditor>().Show();
System.Type UnityEditorMenuClass;
void GetMenuItemDefaultShortcuts(List<string> outItemNames, List<string> outItemDefaultShortcuts)
=> UnityEditorMenuClass?.GetMethod("GetMenuItemDefaultShortcuts", BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.NonPublic)
.Invoke(null, new object[] { outItemNames, outItemDefaultShortcuts });
void RemoveMenuItem(string name)
=> UnityEditorMenuClass?.GetMethod("RemoveMenuItem", BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.NonPublic)
.Invoke(null, new object[] { name });
class Node
public bool open = false;
public bool delete = false;
public string name;
public string path;
public Node parent;
public List<Node> children;
List<string> menuItemNames;
List<string> menuItemDefaultShortcuts;
private void OnEnable()
UnityEditorMenuClass = null;
System.Type[] assemblyTypes = Assembly.GetAssembly(typeof(Editor)).GetTypes();
foreach( var t in assemblyTypes ) if( t.Namespace == "UnityEditor" && t.Name == "Menu" ) UnityEditorMenuClass = t;
if (UnityEditorMenuClass == null) { broken = true; return; }
void FetchMenu()
menuItemNames = new List<string>();
menuItemDefaultShortcuts = new List<string>();
GetMenuItemDefaultShortcuts(menuItemNames, menuItemDefaultShortcuts);
root = new Node { children = new List<Node>() };
foreach (var path in menuItemNames)
var node = root;
var items = path.Split('/');
foreach (var item in items)
var found = false;
foreach (var n in node.children)
if ( == item)
found = true;
node = n;
if (!found)
var n = new Node
children = new List<Node>(),
parent = node,
name = item,
path = path
node = n;
bool broken = false;
Node root;
Vector2 scroll;
void OnGUI()
if( broken ) { GUILayout.Label("This is broken, fix me !", EditorStyles.boldLabel); return; }
using( var scope = new GUILayout.ScrollViewScope( scroll ) )
GUILayout.Label( "Context Menu Tree: " , EditorStyles.boldLabel );
foreach (var node in root.children) DrawNode( node );
scroll = scope.scrollPosition;
GUILayout.Space( 10 );
if( GUILayout.Button( "Delete Selected" ) )
EachNode( n =>
if( n.delete ) RemoveMenuItem( n.path );
} );
void DrawNode( Node node, int intend = 0 )
using (new GUILayout.HorizontalScope())
GUILayout.Space( intend * 20 );
var content = new GUIContent(, node.path );
if( node.children != null && node.children.Count > 0 )
{ = EditorGUILayout.Foldout(, content );
else GUILayout.Label( content );
node.delete = GUILayout.Toggle( node.delete, GUIContent.none );
if( )
if( node.children != null && node.children.Count > 0 )
foreach (var child in node.children)
DrawNode( child , intend + 1 );
void EachNode(System.Action<Node> callback, Node node = null)
if (node == null) node = root;
foreach (var n in node.children)
EachNode(callback, n);
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