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Last active April 27, 2018 11:10
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/** Declaration file generated by dts-gen */
export class Group {
constructor(size: any);
activate(value: any): any;
clear(): void;
connect(target: any, method: any, weight: any): any;
disconnect(target: any, twosided: any): void;
gate(connections: any, method: any): void;
propagate(rate: any, momentum: any, target: any): void;
set(values: any): void;
export class Layer {
activate(value: any): any;
clear(): void;
connect(target: any, method: any, weight: any): any;
disconnect(target: any, twosided: any): void;
gate(connections: any, method: any): void;
propagate(rate: any, momentum: any, target: any): void;
set(values: any): void;
static Dense(size: any): any;
static GRU(size: any): any;
static LSTM(size: any): any;
static Memory(size: any, memory: any): any;
export class Neat {
constructor(input: any, output: any, fitness: any, options: any);
createPool(network: any): void;
evaluate(): void;
evolve(): any;
export(): any;
getAverage(): any;
getFittest(): any;
getOffspring(): any;
getParent(): any;
import(json: any): void;
mutate(): void;
selectMutationMethod(genome: any): any;
sort(): any;
export class Network {
constructor(input: any, output: any);
activate(input: any, training: any): any;
clear(): void;
connect(from: any, to: any, weight: any): any;
disconnect(from: any, to: any): void;
evolve(set: any, options: any): any;
gate(node: any, connection: any): void;
graph(width: any, height: any): any;
mutate(method: any): void;
noTraceActivate(input: any): any;
propagate(rate: any, momentum: any, update: any, target: any): void;
remove(node: any): void;
serialize(): any;
set(values: any): void;
standalone(): any;
test(set: any, cost: any): any;
toJSON(): any;
train(set: any, options: any): any;
ungate(connection: any): void;
static crossOver(network1: any, network2: any, equal: any): any;
static fromJSON(json: any): any;
static merge(network1: any, network2: any): any;
export class Node {
constructor(type: any);
activate(input: any): any;
clear(): void;
connect(target: any, weight: any): any;
disconnect(node: any, twosided: any): void;
gate(connections: any): void;
isProjectedBy(node: any): any;
isProjectingTo(node: any): any;
mutate(method: any): void;
noTraceActivate(input: any): any;
propagate(rate: any, momentum: any, update: any, target: any): void;
toJSON(): any;
ungate(connections: any): void;
static fromJSON(json: any): any;
export const config: {
warnings: boolean;
export const methods: {
activation: {
RELU: any;
SELU: any;
STEP: any;
TANH: any;
connection: {
name: string;
name: string;
name: string;
cost: {
BINARY: any;
HINGE: any;
MAE: any;
MAPE: any;
MSE: any;
MSLE: any;
crossover: {
name: string;
config: number[];
name: string;
config: number[];
name: string;
name: string;
gating: {
name: string;
name: string;
name: string;
mutation: {
name: string;
name: string;
name: string;
name: string;
name: string;
ALL: {
name: string;
FFW: {
name: string;
allowed: any[];
mutateOutput: boolean;
name: string;
max: number;
min: number;
name: string;
max: number;
min: number;
name: string;
name: string;
name: string;
name: string;
keep_gates: boolean;
name: string;
name: string;
mutateOutput: boolean;
name: string;
rate: {
EXP: any;
FIXED: any;
INV: any;
STEP: any;
selection: {
name: string;
name: string;
power: number;
name: string;
probability: number;
size: number;
export function Connection(from: any, to: any, weight: any): void;
export namespace Connection {
function innovationID(a: any, b: any): any;
namespace innovationID {
const prototype: {
namespace prototype {
function toJSON(): any;
namespace toJSON {
const prototype: {
export namespace Group {
namespace prototype {
function activate(value: any): any;
function clear(): void;
function connect(target: any, method: any, weight: any): any;
function disconnect(target: any, twosided: any): void;
function gate(connections: any, method: any): void;
function propagate(rate: any, momentum: any, target: any): void;
function set(values: any): void;
namespace activate {
const prototype: {
namespace clear {
const prototype: {
namespace connect {
const prototype: {
namespace disconnect {
const prototype: {
namespace gate {
const prototype: {
namespace propagate {
const prototype: {
namespace set {
const prototype: {
export namespace Layer {
namespace Dense {
const prototype: {
namespace GRU {
const prototype: {
namespace LSTM {
const prototype: {
namespace Memory {
const prototype: {
namespace prototype {
function activate(value: any): any;
function clear(): void;
function connect(target: any, method: any, weight: any): any;
function disconnect(target: any, twosided: any): void;
function gate(connections: any, method: any): void;
function propagate(rate: any, momentum: any, target: any): void;
function set(values: any): void;
namespace activate {
const prototype: {
namespace clear {
const prototype: {
namespace connect {
const prototype: {
namespace disconnect {
const prototype: {
namespace gate {
const prototype: {
namespace propagate {
const prototype: {
namespace set {
const prototype: {
export namespace Neat {
namespace prototype {
function createPool(network: any): void;
function evaluate(): void;
function evolve(): any;
function getAverage(): any;
function getFittest(): any;
function getOffspring(): any;
function getParent(): any;
function mutate(): void;
function selectMutationMethod(genome: any): any;
function sort(): any;
namespace createPool {
const prototype: {
namespace getAverage {
const prototype: {
namespace getFittest {
const prototype: {
namespace getOffspring {
const prototype: {
namespace getParent {
const prototype: {
namespace mutate {
const prototype: {
namespace selectMutationMethod {
const prototype: {
namespace sort {
const prototype: {
export namespace Network {
namespace crossOver {
const prototype: {
namespace fromJSON {
const prototype: {
namespace merge {
const prototype: {
namespace prototype {
function activate(input: any, training: any): any;
function clear(): void;
function connect(from: any, to: any, weight: any): any;
function disconnect(from: any, to: any): void;
function evolve(set: any, options: any): any;
function gate(node: any, connection: any): void;
function graph(width: any, height: any): any;
function mutate(method: any): void;
function noTraceActivate(input: any): any;
function propagate(rate: any, momentum: any, update: any, target: any): void;
function remove(node: any): void;
function serialize(): any;
function set(values: any): void;
function standalone(): any;
function test(set: any, cost: any): any;
function toJSON(): any;
function train(set: any, options: any): any;
function ungate(connection: any): void;
namespace activate {
const prototype: {
namespace clear {
const prototype: {
namespace connect {
const prototype: {
namespace disconnect {
const prototype: {
namespace gate {
const prototype: {
namespace graph {
const prototype: {
namespace mutate {
const prototype: {
namespace noTraceActivate {
const prototype: {
namespace propagate {
const prototype: {
namespace remove {
const prototype: {
namespace serialize {
const prototype: {
namespace set {
const prototype: {
namespace standalone {
const prototype: {
namespace test {
const prototype: {
namespace toJSON {
const prototype: {
namespace train {
const prototype: {
namespace ungate {
const prototype: {
export namespace Node {
namespace fromJSON {
const prototype: {
namespace prototype {
function activate(input: any): any;
function clear(): void;
function connect(target: any, weight: any): any;
function disconnect(node: any, twosided: any): void;
function gate(connections: any): void;
function isProjectedBy(node: any): any;
function isProjectingTo(node: any): any;
function mutate(method: any): void;
function noTraceActivate(input: any): any;
function propagate(rate: any, momentum: any, update: any, target: any): void;
function toJSON(): any;
function ungate(connections: any): void;
namespace activate {
const prototype: {
namespace clear {
const prototype: {
namespace connect {
const prototype: {
namespace disconnect {
const prototype: {
namespace gate {
const prototype: {
namespace isProjectedBy {
const prototype: {
namespace isProjectingTo {
const prototype: {
namespace mutate {
const prototype: {
namespace noTraceActivate {
const prototype: {
namespace propagate {
const prototype: {
namespace toJSON {
const prototype: {
namespace ungate {
const prototype: {
export namespace architect {
function Construct(list: any): any;
function GRU(...args: any[]): any;
function Hopfield(size: any): any;
function LSTM(...args: any[]): any;
function NARX(inputSize: any, hiddenLayers: any, outputSize: any, previousInput: any, previousOutput: any): any;
function Perceptron(...args: any[]): any;
function Random(input: any, hidden: any, output: any, options: any): any;
namespace Construct {
const prototype: {
namespace GRU {
const prototype: {
namespace Hopfield {
const prototype: {
namespace LSTM {
const prototype: {
namespace NARX {
const prototype: {
namespace Perceptron {
const prototype: {
namespace Random {
const prototype: {
export namespace multi {
const activations: any[];
const workers: {
browser: {
TestWorker: any;
node: {
TestWorker: any;
function activateSerializedNetwork(input: any, A: any, S: any, data: any, F: any): any;
function deserializeDataSet(serializedSet: any): any;
function serializeDataSet(dataSet: any): any;
function testSerializedSet(set: any, cost: any, A: any, S: any, data: any, F: any): any;
namespace activateSerializedNetwork {
const prototype: {
namespace deserializeDataSet {
const prototype: {
namespace serializeDataSet {
const prototype: {
namespace testSerializedSet {
const prototype: {
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