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Last active February 28, 2020 16:16
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PHP version of Mongo fuzzy search
// This is based on a fuzzy search video of a lecture by John L. Page. I am implementing
// a version for 5.8M records in Mongo for a Laravel PHP app. This is working and should
// port to laravel-mongodb using the "raw" method. Not sure if we could do the same thing
// in Eloquent but it shouldn't matter (would only make it look cleaner!)
$m = new \MongoDB\Driver\Manager('mongodb://');
/*-- May not be using the proper terminology but it makes sense to me :) --
* 1. Match _id's using $or conditional. This means we only want a result if one of values match.
* 2. For each match, count the number of matches and project it to the 'c' field.
* 3. Take only the documents where 'c' is greater than 1.
* 4. Finally, project those results to documents with just the _id field.
$agg = array(
array( '$match' =>
array( '$or' =>
array( [ '_id' => 'AABERG' ], [ '_id' => 'FILTEAU'] )
array( '$project' =>
array( 'c' =>
array( '$add' => [
array( '$cond' => [ array( '$eq' => array( '$_id', 'AABERG' ) ), 1, 0 ] ),
array( '$cond' => [ array( '$eq' => array( '$_id', 'FILTEAU' ) ), 1, 0 ] )
array( '$match' =>
array( 'c' =>
array( '$gte' => 1 )
array( '$project' => array( '_id' => 1 ))
// Create the command object for our collection and pipeline
$cmd = new \MongoDB\Driver\Command([
'aggregate' => 'nominals_v2_names',
'pipeline' => $agg
// params: db name, command
$results = $m->executeCommand('people', $cmd);
foreach ($results as $r) {
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