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Created December 3, 2021 12:09
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ffmpeg dart code generated by dart_js_facade_gen with @ffmpeg/ffmpeg
library node_modules._ffmpeg.ffmpeg.src;
import "package:js/js.dart";
import "package:js/js_util.dart" show promiseToFuture;
external dynamic
writeFile: (fileName: string, binaryData: Uint8Array) => void,
readFile: (fileName: string) => Uint8Array,
unlink: (fileName: string) => void,
get FS; /*type FSMethodNames = { [K in keyof typeof FS]: (typeof FS)[K] extends (...args: any[]) => any ? K : never }[keyof typeof FS];*/
Warning: Mapped types are not supported in Dart. Uses of this type will be replaced by dynamic.
type FSMethodArgs = { [K in FSMethodNames]: Parameters<(typeof FS)[K]> };
Warning: Mapped types are not supported in Dart. Uses of this type will be replaced by dynamic.
type FSMethodReturn = { [K in FSMethodNames]: ReturnType<(typeof FS)[K]> };
typedef dynamic LogCallback(
dynamic /*{ type: string; message: string }*/ logParams);
typedef dynamic ProgressCallback(dynamic /*{ ratio: number }*/ progressParams);
abstract class CreateFFmpegOptions {
/// path for ffmpeg-core.js script
external String get corePath;
external set corePath(String v);
/// a boolean to turn on all logs, default is false
external bool get log;
external set log(bool v);
/// a function to get log messages, a quick example is ({ message }) => console.log(message)
external LogCallback get logger;
external set logger(LogCallback v);
/// a function to trace the progress, a quick example is p => console.log(p)
external ProgressCallback get progress;
external set progress(ProgressCallback v);
external factory CreateFFmpegOptions(
{String corePath,
bool log,
LogCallback logger,
ProgressCallback progress});
abstract class FFmpeg {
/// Determine whether the Core is loaded.
external bool isLoaded();
/// Run FS operations.
/// For input/output file of ffmpeg.wasm, it is required to save them to MEMFS
/// first so that ffmpeg.wasm is able to consume them. Here we rely on the FS
/// methods provided by Emscripten.
/// Common methods to use are:
/// ffmpeg.FS('writeFile', 'video.avi', new Uint8Array(...)): writeFile writes
/// data to MEMFS. You need to use Uint8Array for binary data.
/// ffmpeg.FS('readFile', 'video.mp4'): readFile from MEMFS.
/// ffmpeg.FS('unlink', ''): delete file from MEMFS.
/// For more info, check
external dynamic /*dynamic/*FSMethodReturn*/[Method]*/ FS/*<Method extends dynamic[keyof dynamic]>*/(
dynamic /*Method*/ method,
external void setProgress(ProgressCallback progress);
external void setLogger(LogCallback log);
external void setLogging(bool logging);
external void exit();
abstract class _FFmpeg {
external Promise<void> load();
external Promise<void> run(
[String args1, String args2, String args3, String args4, String args5]);
extension FFmpegExtensions on FFmpeg {
Future<void> load() {
final Object t = this;
final _FFmpeg tt = t;
return promiseToFuture(tt.load());
Future<void> run(
[String args1, String args2, String args3, String args4, String args5]) {
final Object t = this;
final _FFmpeg tt = t;
return promiseToFuture(;
/// Create ffmpeg instance.
/// Each ffmpeg instance owns an isolated MEMFS and works
/// independently.
/// For example:
/// ```
/// const ffmpeg = createFFmpeg({
/// log: true,
/// logger: () => {},
/// progress: () => {},
/// corePath: '',
/// })
/// ```
/// For the usage of these four arguments, check config.js
external FFmpeg createFFmpeg([CreateFFmpegOptions options]);
abstract class Promise<T> {
external factory Promise(
void executor(void resolve(T result), Function reject));
external Promise then(void onFulfilled(T result), [Function onRejected]);
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Add js package to pubspec.yaml.

  js: ^0.6.2

Add script to index.html.

<!DOCTYPE html>
  <script src=""></script>

And add ffmpeg.dart listed above to your project, then you can use liff.

final ffmpeg = createFFmpeg();
await ffmpeg.load();
ffmpeg.FS('writeFile', 'test.avi', await fetchFile('./test.avi'));
await'-i', 'test.avi', 'test.mp4');
await fs.promises.writeFile('./test.mp4', ffmpeg.FS('readFile', 'test.mp4'));


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