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Last active April 29, 2022 07:46
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# ~/.config/starship.toml
# Use custom format
format = """
[┌───────────────────](bold green)
[│](bold green)$all
[└─>](bold green) """
# Wait 25 milliseconds for starship to check files under the current directory.
scan_timeout = 25
command_timeout = 1000
# Print a new line at the start of the prompt
add_newline = true
disabled = false
format = '$symbol '
success_symbol = '[ ➟](bold green)'
error_symbol = '[ ✗](bold green)'
vicmd_symbol = '[ V](bold green)'
disabled = false
unknown_indicator = "mystery shell"
disabled = false
bash_indicator = "bash"
disabled = true
ssh_only = true
format = "on [$hostname](bold red) "
trim_at = "."
disabled = false
format = "[$signal_number $signal_name $symbol $status $common_meaning]($style) "
recognize_signal_code = true
style = "red"
symbol = "✖"
success_symbol = "✔️"
not_executable_symbol = "🚫"
not_found_symbol = "🔍"
sigint_symbol = "🧱"
signal_symbol = "⚡"
map_symbol = true
disabled = false
min_time = 10_000 # Show command duration over 10,000 milliseconds (=10 sec)
format = 'took [$duration]($style) '
style = 'yellow bold'
show_milliseconds = false
disabled = false
show_notifications = false
min_time_to_notify = 45000
truncation_length = 10
truncate_to_repo = true
fish_style_pwd_dir_length = 0
use_logical_path = true
format = "[$path]($style)[$read_only]($read_only_style) "
style = 'cyan' #
disabled = false
read_only = "🔒"
read_only_style = 'red'
truncation_symbol = '…/'
home_symbol = '~'
threshold = 50
format = '$symbol[$ram]($style) '
style = 'white dimmed'
disabled = false
format = '[$symbol$version]($style) '
symbol = "\uf487 "
style = 'yellow'
display_private = false
disabled = false
format = '[$symbol$branch]($style)(:[$remote]($style)) '
symbol = "🌱 "
style = 'purple'
truncation_length = 9223372036854775807
truncation_symbol = '…'
only_attached = false
always_show_remote = true
disabled = false
commit_hash_length = 8
format = '[\($hash$tag\)]($style) '
style = 'green'
only_detached = false
tag_disabled = false
disabled = false
tag_symbol = "🔖 "
rebase = '[REBASING]'
merge = '[MERGING]'
revert = '[REVERTING]'
cherry_pick = "[🍒 PICKING](bold red)"
bisect = '[BISECTING]'
am = '[AM]'
am_or_rebase = '[AM/REBASE]'
style = 'yellow'
format = '\([$state( $progress_current/$progress_total)]($style)\) '
disabled = false
# [git_metrics]
# added_style = "bold green"
# deleted_style = "bold red"
# only_nonzero_diffs = true
# format = '[+$added]($added_style)/[-$deleted]($deleted_style) '
# disabled = false
conflicted = "🏳 ${count}"
ahead = "⇡ ${count}"
diverged = "⇕⇡${ahead_count}⇣${behind_count}"
up_to_date = "✓ ${count}"
untracked = " ?‍${count}"
stashed = "$ ${count}"
modified = "✎ ${count}"
renamed = "» ${count}"
deleted = "✘ ${count}"
behind = "⇣ ${count}"
staged = "+ ${count}"
format = "[$all_status $ahead_behind]($style)"
format = 'via [$symbol($version )]($style)'
version_format = 'v${raw}'
symbol = ' '
style = 'bold green'
disabled = false
not_capable_style = 'bold red'
detect_extensions = [
detect_files = [
detect_folders = ['node_modules']
format = 'on [$symbol($profile )(\($region\) )]($style)'
style = "bold blue"
symbol = "☁️ "
symbol = "💠 "
format = "$symbol$version $workspace($style) "
format = "[$symbol$version]($style) "
style = "bold green"
time_format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"
format = "$time($style) "
style = "bright-white"
disabled = false
format = "via [🐋 $context](blue bold)"
format = '[☸︎ $context \($namespace\)](dimmed green) '
disabled = false
# "dev.local.cluster.k8s" = "dev"
# ".*/openshift-cluster/.*" = "openshift"
# "gke_.*_(?P<cluster>[\\w-]+)" = "gke-$cluster"
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