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Last active December 1, 2018 22:02
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  • Save nullbind/c275133550440fb7d06d6e07d77b5cf3 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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This script can be used to extract a list of IIS 6.x HTTP servers from .nessus files.
# This script can be used to extract a list of IIS 6.x HTTP servers from .nessus files.
# Author: Scott Sutherland, NetSPI 2017
# Instructions: Run the script in a directory containing only .nessus files. Super dirty/slow, but functional.
# Create an output table
$outputtbl =New-Object System.Data.DataTable
$outputtbl.Columns.Add("IpAddress") | Out-Null
$outputtbl.Columns.Add("IISVersion") | Out-Null
# Iterate through each host
Get-ChildItem *.nessus | select fullname -ExpandProperty fullname| % {
Write-Output "Processing $_";
[xml]$myfile = gc "$_"
$myfile.NessusClientData_v2.Report.ReportHost |
# Grab the IP address and host items
$IpAddress = $
$ReportItems = $_.reportitem
# Filter for the HTTP server list
$ReportItems |
$MyPlugin = $_.pluginname
if($MyPlugin -like "HTTP Server Type and Version"){
# Filter for IIS 6
if($_.plugin_output -like "*IIS/6*"){
# Parse out version
$pluginoutput = $_.plugin_output
$httpver = (($pluginoutput -replace ("The remote web server type is :","")) -replace '\s+\r\n+', "`r`n").trim()
# Write to data table
Write-Output "Found one! - IpAddress ($httpver)"
$outputtbl.rows.Add($IpAddress,$httpver) | Out-Null
# Write results to a file
$outputtbl | Export-Csv iis6servers.csv -notypeinformation
# Return output to the pipeline
$outputtbl | Sort-Object IpAddress
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