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Created December 5, 2016 16:00
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import Data.Vect
import Data.Vect.Views
%default total
data SortedList : Nat -> Type where
SInit : (a : Nat) -> SortedList a
SCons : (a : Nat) -> {auto prf : LTE a b} -> SortedList b -> SortedList a
sortedToList : SortedList a -> List Nat
sortedToList (SInit a) = [a]
sortedToList (SCons a as) = a::(sortedToList as)
eitherLte : (a : Nat) -> (b : Nat) -> Either (LTE a b) (LTE b a)
eitherLte (S l) (S r) with (eitherLte l r)
| Left prf = Left (LTESucc prf)
| Right prf = Right (LTESucc prf)
eitherLte l Z = Right (LTEZero)
eitherLte Z r = Left (LTEZero)
sortedListLte : SortedList a -> SortedList b -> Either (LTE a b) (LTE b a)
sortedListLte (SInit a) (SInit b) = eitherLte a b
sortedListLte (SCons a _) (SCons b _) = eitherLte a b
sortedListLte (SInit a) (SCons b _) = eitherLte a b
sortedListLte (SCons a _) (SInit b) = eitherLte a b
insert : (a : Nat) -> SortedList b -> Either (SortedList a) (SortedList b)
insert a bl@(SInit b) =
case eitherLte a b of
Left aLteB => Left $ SCons a (SInit b) {prf=aLteB}
Right bLteA => Right $ SCons b (SInit a) {prf=bLteA}
insert a bl@(SCons b bs) =
case eitherLte a b of
Left aLteB => Left $ SCons a bl
Right bLteA => Right $ case insert a bs of
Left lA => SCons b lA
Right lB => SCons b lB
merge : SortedList a -> SortedList b -> Either (SortedList a) (SortedList b)
merge (SInit a) b = insert a b
merge al@(SCons a as) bl@(SInit b) = mirror $ insert b al
merge al@(SCons a as) bl@(SCons b bs) =
case sortedListLte al bl of
Left aLteB => Left $ case merge as bl of
Left lA => SCons a lA
Right lB => SCons a lB
Right bLteA => Right $ case merge al bs of
Left lA => SCons b lA
Right lB => SCons b lB
abstractMin : Either (SortedList a) (SortedList b) -> (c ** SortedList c)
abstractMin (Left l) = (_ ** l)
abstractMin (Right r) = (_ ** r)
mergeSort : Vect (1 + n) Nat -> (l ** SortedList l)
mergeSort xs with (splitRec xs)
mergeSort [x] | SplitRecOne = (_ ** SInit x)
mergeSort ((y::ys) ++ (z::zs)) | SplitRecPair ysrec zsrec =
let (_ ** left) = (mergeSort (y::ys) | ysrec) in
let (_ ** right) = (mergeSort (z::zs) | zsrec) in
abstractMin $ merge left right
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