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Created September 22, 2016 19:10
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namespace FSharpTest
open UnityEngine
type WorkerState =
| Idle
| GotoMineral of GameObject
| Mine of float32
type Worker() =
inherit MonoBehaviour()
let mutable navAgent : NavMeshAgent = null
let mutable state = Idle
let maxMineralCount = 10
// Serialize for the inspector
let mutable mineralCount = 0
// How far away from the mineral source do we have to be in order to stop
let distanceThreshold = 0.1f
let miningDuration = 1.0f
let findNearestMineral pos : GameObject option =
let entities = (GameObject.Find "Map/Entities").transform
Transform.children entities
|> Seq.filter (fun transform -> = "Mineral")
// Keep track of what minerals have what distance from this unit
|> (fun mineral ->
(mineral, Vector3.Distance (pos, mineral.position)))
// Then try to get the GameObject of the clostest one of any
|> Seq.sortBy snd
|> Seq.tryHead
|> (fun (m, _) -> m.gameObject)
member this.Update() =
match state with
| Idle ->
// Try to find something to do
match findNearestMineral this.transform.position with
| Some nearest ->
ignore <| navAgent.SetDestination nearest.transform.position
state <- GotoMineral nearest
| None -> ()
// Get in range of the mineral source
| GotoMineral mineral ->
if navAgent.remainingDistance <= distanceThreshold
then state <- Mine miningDuration
else ()
// Mine for a second
| Mine timeLeft ->
let timeLeft' = timeLeft - Time.deltaTime
if timeLeft' <= 0.0f
then mineralCount <- min (mineralCount + 1) maxMineralCount
if mineralCount = maxMineralCount
then state <- Idle
else state <- Mine miningDuration
else state <- Mine timeLeft'
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