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Last active March 20, 2023 00:24
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Google App Script / Telegram bot / Notify if web is inaccessible / Run every 4 hours
let telegramUrl = "" + TOKEN;
// Telegram send message
function tgNotify(txt, to) {
let url = telegramUrl + "/sendMessage?parse_mode=Markdown&disable_web_page_preview=true&chat_id=" + to + "&text=" + txt;
let response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url);
// Add custom menu
function onOpen() {
let ui = SpreadsheetApp.getUi();
.addItem('Check website(s)', 'checkWebsite')
// This will run the script every 4 hours
function setCheckWebsiteAvailability() {
// Check if the website is available
function checkWebsite() {
// Get the active spreadsheet
let sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getActiveSheet();
// Get the range of website URLs and response status
let dataRange = sheet.getDataRange();
let values = dataRange.getValues();
// Loop through each row in the range
for (var i = 1; i < values.length; i++) {
let row = values[i];
let websiteUrl = row[0];
try {
// Use the UrlFetchApp service to fetch the website
let response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(websiteUrl,{ muteHttpExceptions: true });
var responseCode = response.getResponseCode();
catch (e) {
responseCode = 504;
// If the response code is greater than or equals to 400, the website is down
if (responseCode >= 400) {
// Notify
let txt = "⚠️ " + row[0] + " is *inaccessible*!";
tgNotify(txt, row[3]);
// Update the response status in the spreadsheet
sheet.getRange(i+1, 2).setValue(responseCode);
const now = new Date();
sheet.getRange(i+1, 3).setValue(now);
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