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Last active November 23, 2023 11:34
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Solution to variable length SHA

Variable length SHA256 Hash

ZKRepl Link
Non-linear constraints: 190215


  1. Input bits to be hased are suffixed by a 512 bit (for even multiples of 256 bit input) or 256 bit (for odd multiples of 256 bit input) padding. Suffix array is computed using the length input signal.
    assert(length < 11);
    var k;

    signal arr[2][512];
    signal shift[2][64];
    signal and[2][64];
    signal odd[2][64];
    signal quotient[2][64];
    arr[0][0] <== 1; 
    arr[1][0] <== 1; 

    // 256 bit
    for (var j = 0; j<64; j++) {
        shift[0][64 -j -1] <-- (256 * length) >> j;
        and[0][64 -j -1] <-- (256 * length) & (2**(j) - 1);
        and[0][64 -j -1] + shift[0][64 -j -1] * 2** j === 256 * length;

        odd[0][64 - j -1] <-- shift[0][64 -j -1] % 2;
        odd[0][64 - j -1] * (odd[0][64 - j -1] - 1) === 0;

        quotient[0][64 - j -1] <-- shift[0][64 -j -1] \ 2;
        quotient[0][64 - j -1] * 2  + odd[0][64 - j -1] === shift[0][64 -j -1];

        arr[0][256 - j -1] <-- shift[0][64 -j -1] & 1;
        arr[0][256 - j -1] === odd[0][64 - j -1];
    for (k=1; k<192; k++){
        arr[0][k] <== 0;
    for (k=256; k<512; k++){
        arr[0][k] <== 0;

    // 512 bit
    for (var j = 0; j<64; j++) {
        shift[1][64 -j -1] <-- (256 * length) >> j;
        and[1][64 -j -1] <-- (256 * length) & (2**(j) - 1);
        and[1][64 -j -1] + shift[1][64 -j -1] * 2** j === 256 * length;

        odd[1][64 - j -1] <-- shift[1][64 -j -1] % 2;
        odd[1][64 - j -1] * (odd[1][64 - j -1] - 1) === 0;

        quotient[1][64 - j -1] <-- shift[1][64 -j -1] \ 2;
        quotient[1][64 - j -1] * 2  + odd[1][64 - j -1] === shift[1][64 -j -1];

        arr[1][512 - j -1] <-- shift[1][64 -j -1] & 1;
        arr[1][512 - j -1] === odd[0][64 - j -1];
    for (k=1; k<448; k++){
        arr[1][k] <== 0;
  1. Since the input is in bytes, we convert it to bits

    signal bytes2bits[12][256];
    component n2b[12][32];

    for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {

        for (var j = 0; j < 32; j++) {

            n2b[i][j] = Num2Bits(8);
            n2b[i][j].in <== input_bytes[i][j];

            for (var k = 0; k < 8; k++) {
                bytes2bits[i][j * 8 + k] <== n2b[i][j].out[7 - k];

    for (var i=10; i<12; i++){
        for(var j = 0; j <256; j++){
            bytes2bits[i][j] <== 0;

  1. Calculate the concatenated array of bits for the given length & pad it with the suffix array.
    signal bits[3072]; // Max = nBlocks x 512 = 6 x 512 = 3072
    component lt[12];
    component leqi[12];
    component leqi1[12];
    signal prod1[12];
    signal prod2[12];
    signal prod3[12][256];
    signal prod4[12][256];
    signal prod5[12][256];
    signal prod6[12][256];
    component length2bits = Num2Bits(5); <== length;

    for (var i = 0; i < 12; i++) {

        lt[i] = LessThan(4);
        lt[i].in[0] <== i;
        lt[i].in[1] <== length;

        leqi[i] = IsEqual();
        leqi[i].in[0] <== i;
        leqi[i].in[1] <== length;

        leqi1[i] = IsEqual();
        leqi1[i].in[0] <== i;
        leqi1[i].in[1] <== length + 1;

        prod1[i] <== (1 - length2bits.out[0]) * leqi[i].out;
        prod2[i] <== (1 - length2bits.out[0]) * leqi1[i].out;

        for (var j = 0; j < 256; j++) {
            prod3[i][j] <== length2bits.out[0] * arr[0][j];
            prod4[i][j] <== prod1[i] * arr[1][j] + prod3[i][j];
            prod5[i][j] <== prod2[i] * arr[1][256+j] + prod4[i][j];
            prod6[i][j] <== (1 - lt[i].out) * prod5[i][j];
            bits[i*256 + j] <== lt[i].out * bytes2bits[i][j] + prod6[i][j] ;
  1. As the maximum number of blocks for 10 32-byte entries is 6, calculate the SHA hash for 6 blocks.

    var nBlocks = 6;
    component ha0 = H(0);
    component hb0 = H(1);
    component hc0 = H(2);
    component hd0 = H(3);
    component he0 = H(4);
    component hf0 = H(5);
    component hg0 = H(6);
    component hh0 = H(7);

    component sha256compression[nBlocks];

    for (var i=0; i<nBlocks; i++) {

        sha256compression[i] = Sha256compression() ;

        if (i==0) {
            for (var k=0; k<32; k++ ) {
                sha256compression[i].hin[0*32+k] <== ha0.out[k];
                sha256compression[i].hin[1*32+k] <== hb0.out[k];
                sha256compression[i].hin[2*32+k] <== hc0.out[k];
                sha256compression[i].hin[3*32+k] <== hd0.out[k];
                sha256compression[i].hin[4*32+k] <== he0.out[k];
                sha256compression[i].hin[5*32+k] <== hf0.out[k];
                sha256compression[i].hin[6*32+k] <== hg0.out[k];
                sha256compression[i].hin[7*32+k] <== hh0.out[k];
        } else {
            for (var k=0; k<32; k++ ) {
                sha256compression[i].hin[32*0+k] <== sha256compression[i-1].out[32*0+31-k];
                sha256compression[i].hin[32*1+k] <== sha256compression[i-1].out[32*1+31-k];
                sha256compression[i].hin[32*2+k] <== sha256compression[i-1].out[32*2+31-k];
                sha256compression[i].hin[32*3+k] <== sha256compression[i-1].out[32*3+31-k];
                sha256compression[i].hin[32*4+k] <== sha256compression[i-1].out[32*4+31-k];
                sha256compression[i].hin[32*5+k] <== sha256compression[i-1].out[32*5+31-k];
                sha256compression[i].hin[32*6+k] <== sha256compression[i-1].out[32*6+31-k];
                sha256compression[i].hin[32*7+k] <== sha256compression[i-1].out[32*7+31-k];
        for (var k=0; k<512; k++) {
            sha256compression[i].inp[k] <== bits[i*512+k];
  1. Find the SHA Compression block output & convert the output bits to decimal number
    signal total_bits <== 256 * length;
    signal n <-- (total_bits + 576)\512;

    // Range Check for n
    component lessthan = LessThan(4);[0] <== 0;[1] <== n;

    component greaterthan = LessThan(4);[0] <== n;[1] <== 7;

    signal rem <-- (total_bits + 576) % 512;

    // Range Check for rem
    component lessthan512 = LessThan(10);[0] <== 0;[1] <== n;

    n * 512 + rem === total_bits + 576;

    component isEqual2n[6];

    for(var i=0; i<6; i++){
        isEqual2n[i] = IsEqual();
        isEqual2n[i].in[0] <== i + 1;
        isEqual2n[i].in[1] <== n;

    signal hashbits[256];
    signal sum[6][256];

    for(var i=0; i<6; i++){
        for(var j=0; j<256; j++){
            sum[i][j] <== isEqual2n[i].out * sha256compression[i].out[j];
    for(var i=0; i<256; i++){
        hashbits[i] <== sum[0][i] + sum[1][i] + sum[2][i] + sum[3][i] + sum[4][i] + sum[5][i];

    component b2num = Bits2Num(256); <== hashbits;
    hash <== b2num.out;
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