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Created November 23, 2023 12:46
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Change Circom's prime Field

Change circom's prime Field

Circom operates over the prime field of p = 21888242871839275222246405745257275088548364400416034343698204186575808495617 which is the Field Modulus of BN254 curve. This might be because of the existing support for BN254 curves in the Ethereum ecosystem like precompiles (add, mul, pairing), powers of tau parameters & so on.

Circom supports these curves as of now : bn128, bls12381, goldilocks, grumpkin, pallas, vesta . Refer here

Steps to change the prime field

To add your choice of curve & tweak the prime field of circom, follow the given steps :

  1. Fork the repository -
  2. In circom/src/, add your curve in the prime_value field
  3. In code_producers/src/c_elements/, include your curve to generate the cpp, hpp, asm files
  4. In code_producers/src/wasm_elements/, include your curve to generate the wat files
  5. In program_structure/src/utils/, add your curve's prime field as a constant
  6. Clone this repository - & install the dependencies by running npm i
  7. Run node tools/build.js -q <your_prime> -n Fr inside the ffwasm folder to generate fr.wasm & fr.wat files
  8. From the fr.wat file, carefully parse the type, data & code into fr-types.wat, fr-data.wat & fr-code.wat under code_producers/src/wasm_elements/<your_curve>. Refer to this commit
  9. In the fr-code.wat, search for $Fr_F1m_isZero, if it exists, replace it with $Fr_int_isZero. Refer to this commit. Not doing this change will lead to this error when you compile your circuits :
error[W01]: Error translating the circuit from wat to wasm.
Exception encountered when encoding WASM: failed to find func named `$Fr_F1m_isZero` at byte offset 164466
previous errors were found
  1. This is enough for you to compile your circuits with your choice of curve. Further more, to produce C code for your circuits, you might have to generate cpp, hpp, asm files using the steps mentioned in


  1. This might not work well with snarkjs


A few implementations to refer to :

  1. circom-secq256r1 - Adds prime for secq256r1
  2. circom-secq - Adds prime for secq256k1
  3. PR - Pallas, Vesta, Grumpkin - Adds prime for Pasta curves & Grumpkin
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