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Null nullmastermind

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  • Title: Giới thiệu về Trợ lý trò chuyện được hỗ trợ bởi AI, có tên OggyGPT
  • Content:
    • Tổng quan về tính năng
    • Lợi ích của việc sử dụng ứng dụng
    • Mục đích của ứng dụng

Key Features

  • Title: Các tính năng chính
  • Content:

Showtime Watch Application

1. Purpose

The Showtime Watch application is designed to facilitate the preorder and management of a smartwatch that integrates with cryptocurrency wallets. It includes features such as a leaderboard, profile management, and wallet connection/reset functionalities.

2. Roles

  • User: Can preorder the watch, manage their profile, connect/reset their wallet, and view the leaderboard.
  • Admin: Manages user data, orders, and leaderboard entries (not explicitly mentioned but implied for backend management).

3. User Flow for Each Role

nullmastermind / asyncForEach.ts
Last active May 4, 2024 19:58
Lodash async forEach implementation
import { map } from 'lodash';
async function asyncForEach<T>(
items: Array<T> | null | undefined,
iter: (v: T, k: number) => Promise<boolean | void>,
): Promise<void>;
async function asyncForEach<T, K extends string>(
items: Record<K, T> | null | undefined,
iter: (v: T, k: K) => Promise<boolean | void>,
nullmastermind /
Last active May 7, 2024 20:34
Rust Valorant color aimbot - Yellow (Protanopia) (recommend fov < 128)
fn get_move_value(&mut self, is_trigger_bot: bool) -> Point {
if !is_trigger_bot {
let current_frame_id = self.latest_frame_id.lock().unwrap().clone();
if current_frame_id == self.current_frame_id {
return Point::new(0, 0);
self.current_frame_id = current_frame_id;
let current_frame = self.latest_frame.lock().unwrap().clone();
if current_frame.is_none() {
nullmastermind / ProcessorSyncTransforms.cs
Last active June 7, 2023 10:07
<1ms 10k objects - Hybrid ECS Transform Synchronization
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Unity.Burst;
using Unity.Collections;
using Unity.Entities;
using Unity.Transforms;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Jobs;
namespace _Source.Scripts.DOTS.Systems {
nullmastermind /
Last active March 7, 2023 23:53
Capture screen windows in rustlang. Speed, memory optimize, opencv mat. This class is utilized within my Valorant cheating tools
use opencv::core::Mat;
use opencv::imgcodecs::{imdecode, IMREAD_COLOR};
pub use opencv::prelude::MatTraitConstManual;
use png::{BitDepth, ColorType, Encoder};
use std::f64;
use std::mem::size_of;
use windows::Win32::Graphics::Gdi::{
BitBlt, CreateCompatibleBitmap, CreateCompatibleDC, CreatedHDC, DeleteObject, GetDC, GetDIBits,
nullmastermind / frida-spoof.js
Created December 20, 2022 05:01 — forked from jacopo-j/frida-spoof.js
Frida script to spoof and hide several Android identifiers
/* Utilities */
var RANDOM = function() {};
function _randomInt(min, max) {
return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min;
function _randomHex(len) {
var hex = '0123456789abcdef';
nullmastermind /
Created December 5, 2022 12:34 — forked from TameemS/
Debloating & Optimizing MEmu

Inspired by this

Edit 22/8/2021: I have updated MEmu and it seems like it reinstalls the apps and re-enables the services. Repeat steps 5, 7, 8, and 9 if you update MEmu.

Debloating MEmu

In my experience, Nox can be quite slow and choppy, and looks like I'm not the only person with this problem. A lot of people say that MEmu performs better than Nox, and I could agree with that. I have no chopping issues with it so far. But like Nox, there are kinda shady stuff going on. No one has made a guide on this, so I did it.

nullmastermind / UDPClient.hpp
Created March 19, 2022 21:37 — forked from kaimallea/UDPClient.hpp
Super simple UDP client using boost
#include <iostream>
#include <boost/array.hpp>
#include <boost/asio.hpp>
using boost::asio::ip::udp;
class UDPClient
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