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Created June 9, 2020 13:09
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Converting SVG file to PDF+LaTeX combination (similar to Inkscape)
# SVG to PDF + LaTeX conversion tool
# Simulates "Export to PDF+TeX" option in Inkscape.
# Uses either Inkscape (if available), or cairosvg, with the latter
# option ONLY valid for svg files without any svg transforms.
# In Affinity Designer make sure to use "Flatten transforms" option in
# SVG export window. For SVG files not coming from Affinity Designer,
# use some other SVG flattener tool as desired.
import sys
import argparse
import os
import re
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
from pathlib import Path
import shutil
import subprocess
# The path to Inkscape binary executable (may be different on other systems)
INKSCAPE = "/Applications/"
# XML namescape for svg elements
ns = { 'svg' : ''}
def strippx(attr):
_, e = re.match('\d+', attr).span()
return attr[:e]
# Remove all <text> elements from the SVG element tree
def remove_text(root):
text_pattern = './/svg:text'
# Removing descendant elements deep in the tree is not easy with xml.etree.
# See .
text_nodes = root.findall(text_pattern, ns)
while len(text_nodes):
parent = root.findall(text_pattern+'/..', ns)[0]
text_nodes = root.findall(text_pattern, ns)
return root
# Collects the information about all <text> elements in the SVG tree
def extract_texts(root):
texts = []
for text_element in root.findall('.//svg:text', ns):
s = "".join(text_element.itertext())
x = strippx(text_element.get('x'))
y = strippx(text_element.get('y'))
texts.append( { 'text': s, 'x' : x, 'y' : y } )
return texts
# Read the image size from viewBox attribute of the root <svg> element
def extract_size(root):
v = root.get('viewBox').split(' ')
return (float(v[2]), float(v[3]))
def generate_pdftex(imagename, width, height, texts):
ratio = height / width
pdftex = ""
pdftex += r'''%% PDF + LaTeX conversion of an SVG file, based on the
%% PDF + LaTeX output extension for Inkscape (Johan Engelen, 2010)
%% Accompanies image file '''
pdftex += "'" + imagename + "'\n"
pdftex += r'''%%
%% To include the image in your LaTeX document, write
%% \input{<filename>.pdf_tex}
%% instead of
%% \includegraphics{<filename>.pdf}
%% To scale the image, write
%% \def\svgwidth{<desired width>}
%% \input{<filename>.pdf_tex}
%% instead of
%% \includegraphics[width=<desired width>]{<filename>.pdf}
%% Images with a different path to the parent latex file can
%% be accessed with the `import' package (which may need to be
%% installed) using
%% \usepackage{import}
%% in the preamble, and then including the image with
%% \import{<path to file>}{<filename>.pdf_tex}
%% Alternatively, one can specify
%% \graphicspath{{<path to file>/}}
%% For more information, please see info/svg-inkscape on CTAN:
pdftex += "{:.2f}".format(width) + 'bp'
pdftex += r'''}%
pdftex += r' \begin{picture}(1, ' + "{:.5f}".format(ratio) + ")%\n"
pdftex += r' \put(0,0){\includegraphics[width=\unitlength,page=1]{' + imagename + "}}%\n"
for text in texts:
x = float(text['x'])
y = float(text['y'])
s = text['text']
pdftex += r' \put' + "({:.5f}, {:.5f})".format(x / width, (1 - y / height) * ratio)
pdftex += r'{\color[rgb]{0,0,0}\makebox(0,0)[lb]{\smash{' + s + '}}}%' + "\n"
pdftex += r''' \end{picture}%
return pdftex
def tex_preview(imagename, preamble_text):
tex = ""
tex += r'''\documentclass{article}
tex += r'''\usepackage{graphicx}
if preamble_text:
tex += "% USER PREAMBLE\n"
tex += preamble_text
tex += "\n"
tex += r'\begin{document}' + "\n"
tex += r'''\begin{figure}[ht]
\import{./}{''' + imagename + "}\n"
tex += r'''\end{figure}
return tex
if __name__ == "__main__":
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
description = 'Convert svg to pdf+pdf_tex template. Uses inkscape or cairosvg.',
epilog = "Given a file PIC.svg, this script overwrites files PIC.pdf and PIC.pdf_tex."
" The option -g also overwrites a PIC-preview.tex"
" file and compiles it (silently) using pdflatex."
" The default conversion"
" method is Inkscape. If the option -c is given or if Inkscape binary file"
" cannot be found, the script uses a naive conversion using cairosvg. Note"
" that the naive conversion DOES NOT support any kind of svg transformations"
" (so it relies on something like a 'Flatten transforms' export option in"
" the vector editing software)")
parser.add_argument('-c', '--cairosvg', action = 'store_true', default = False,
help = 'use cairosvg conversion even if Inkscape is available')
parser.add_argument('-g', '--generate-preview', action = 'store_true', default = False,
help = 'generate and compile a basic TeX document with the converted picture')
parser.add_argument('-p', '--preamble', default = None,
help = 'add the contents of PREAMBLE to the preview document')
parser.add_argument('svgfile', default = None, help = 'source SVG file')
options = parser.parse_args()
inputfile = Path(options.svgfile).resolve()
pdf_file = inputfile.with_suffix('.pdf')
pdftex_file = inputfile.with_suffix('.pdf_tex')
inkscape = Path(INKSCAPE).resolve()
if options.cairosvg or not inkscape.exists():
# Make sure that cairosvg is available
if not shutil.which('cairosvg'):
sys.stderr.write("ERROR: cairosvg not found in $PATH\n")
notext_image = inputfile.with_name(inputfile.stem + '-notext.svg')
tree = ET.parse(inputfile)
root = tree.getroot()
width, height = extract_size(root)
texts = extract_texts(root)
# Produce an SVG image with all text elements omitted.
# Convert the produced SVG into a PDF image with cairosvg
result =['cairosvg', "-o", str(pdf_file), str(notext_image)])
if result.returncode is not 0:
sys.stderr.write("ERROR: cairosvg didn't convert svg to pdf.\n")
# Remove the temporary svg picture without text
# Write a .pdf_tex file
pdftex = generate_pdftex(str(pdf_file), width, height, texts)
with open(pdftex_file, 'w') as f:
else: # we can use Inkscape
result =[str(inkscape), "-D", "-z",
"--file", str(inputfile),
"--export-pdf", str(pdf_file),
if result.returncode is not 0:
sys.stderr.write("ERROR: inkscape didn't convert svg to pdf\n")
# At this point the conversion has been done by either of the two methods,
# so the preview file can be generated and compiled.
if options.generate_preview:
preamble_text = open(options.preamble, 'r').read() if options.preamble else None
tex = tex_preview( + '_tex', preamble_text)
preview_file = inputfile.with_name(inputfile.stem + '-preview.tex')
with open(preview_file, 'w') as f:
result =['pdflatex', '-halt-on-error', str(preview_file)],
stdout = subprocess.DEVNULL)
if result.returncode is not 0:
sys.stderr.write("ERROR: pdflatex compilation error\n")
# If the compilation is successful, clean up after pdflatex
aux_file = preview_file.with_suffix('.aux')
log_file = preview_file.with_suffix('.log')
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